Chapter Eighteen: I Do...

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I ask him when we took flight because damn, that was a FAT ASS nap.

"Seven am.  You slept the whole plane ride and that's four hours so we arrived at eleven then with us being first class we got us before everyone at eleven fifteen.  The wedding starts at six thirty pm."  

That means I slept four hours and fifteen minutes...not a lot but it felt like forever. 

I sleep in the car until we get to the hotel, feeling refreshed and ready after this whole shrimp fiasco. 

"Did you call"--

"I called the makeup artist and the hairdresser, your dress which I did not see because it was in a bag is at your door, we shall meet at the 'Hongulu Venue' in eight hours." He interrupts my question, telling me everything I want to hear.

"Ough, I love you." cupping his face and kissing those sweet lips was exactly what I needed. 

Walking to my room, there's a plethora of people just like Jacob said there would be. 

"Welcome, bride to be!" the crew shouted in unison.

I got a bit jump-scared, but a big sigh of relief to see them.

"Alright, let's get to work, I'm going to shower! I want my robe," I started to linger.

I whisper in a mischievous tone.  "And my special wedding suit if you know what I mean."

The girl of the crew started to giggle and brought me my lingerie and robe to cross out any pervy guys here, which I think most of them are gay.


I gossip with the hairdressers and laugh with the makeup artists, no wonder women take longer when getting ready, especially for a wedding!  I just hope everything goes to plan. 

"So, have you and Jake...done anything?"  One of my makeup artists, Debbie, starts to get curious. 
"Well I mean, yeah, we've made out and he's given me hickeys."

They look at each other and at me as if they were saying "Are you being serious right now?".

So I laugh nervously.  "I haven't really done anything with anyone..."

"No way, you're so hot!  I doubt that hunksickle of a guy of yours hasn't made you feel good in other ways."  Another girl, Veronica, adds into the conversation.

"No, he's been really respectful actually, asking me if I want to do anything so I don't feel used, all that kind of stuff." All the girls look at me in awe.


"I'm a virgin, yes." I whisper, giggling to everyone.

"I mean, it's great that you saved yourself for someone like him."

I hum in agreement. "I always knew it was going to be him." I smile to myself, everyone teasing me.

"Girl, well I hope you have fun tonight! After you're married, don't ever stop having fun if you catch my drift."

We all laugh at the sudden joke and continue to get my face done. I think my long, dark brown locks are what's taking longer because I myself know that my hair? An absolute wreck, but the girls have been really nice about it.

"Just got a call from the groom, everything is set up and the guests are barely arriving." One of the male assistants, Gary, assured me that we have no rush.

"Well it's a good thing we're just about done!" My mother walks in from nowhere and gives me a big hug. 

"Mom? What're you doing here?  I thought you were with Dad and Lily?!"

"Well, I just wanted to give you an heirloom that's been brought down from generations in the Parker family, I wanted you to have it.  It goes well with the dress."

She hands me a box and I chuckle because well, she wanted a MERMAID dress for me so I highly doubt it matched my dress.  I opened the box and found the most gorgeous royal blue and silver brooch.  The hairstylist carefully placed it on top of my veil, it fit perfectly.  My eyes start swelling with tears.

"Oh, mom, thank you." I get out of my chair and hug her tighter than the last time.

"We don't want the waterworks right now, though! Keep those in until the ceremony!"  Debbie jokes, laughing lightly.

"Alright, Mom it's time for you to go! The groom just called and said everything is set up and that we have fifteen minutes to get there."  Gary, our trusted alarm told me and the rest of the crew. 

"Alright, well at least Dad just got here so we can both get a ride there." I cheer, looking out the window.

The makeup and hair crew leave in their own cars, they got their tips because WOAH I look amazing.

"Need a ride?" My dad winks at both me and my mom.

We nod and get in the car.


We get to the Hongulu  just on time, my dad coming with me to walk me down the aisle.

"There's Jacob we gotta hide!" my dad supervised my fiance as we hurried at the beginning of the aisle.

"You nervous, kid?" He asks, hugging me with reassurance.

"Yeah, very nervous, but I know we're all going to be happy.

He nods, water coming down one eye.

I clean his tear with my thumb.  "Be strong, for me, for us."

He nods and gives me the best smile.
The "here-comes-the-bride" music starts playing and I feel the warmth of my family and loved ones surround me.  I see my future husband with the thin fabric of the veil, I see him clean up his face, as if he was crying. My dad gives me a peck kiss on the cheek and hands my flowers to my maid of honor, Lily.  Jacob starts crying at the sight of me, his tears falling off like they wanted to come down for a long time, appreciating me.

"Do you, Adeline Parker, take Jacob Smith as your husband?  Do you promise to respect, honor, and hold him throughout your good and bad times?  To receive him as your lifetime companion?"  No wonder Mom hire this minister, he's making me cry already.

"I do."

"And do you, Jacob Smith, take Adeline Parker as your wife?  Do you promise to respect, honor, and hold her throughout your good and bad times? To receive her as your lifetime companion?"

"I do, with all I have."

"You shall start your vows"-

"I OBJECT!" I hear in the back of the crowd, a young looking man, oddly familiar.

" look like you've seen a ghost! Don't tell me you thought I'd miss your wedding."

Lucas Bennet was back. Back to ruin my life.


HavencrestOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora