Chapter Twelve: Poems...

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"Jacob Smith?" she questions if I did my homework.  I rise from my seat and in front of the blackboard.

"This is also for someone I like.  It's called 'Yo Te Veo'.  Yo te veo como tu eres, no como tu piensas que te veo.  Te veo por tus ojos encantadores, te veo por tanto que le hechas ganas, tus manos trabajadores.  Yo veo como tu piensas, veo como cuando si es de tu familia, eres de gran defensas.  Yo te veo como alguien espectacular, como nadie más.  Te veo, ay, te veo y no me puedo controlar.  Eres tan hermosa, más hermosa que los tulipanes en el verano, más hermosa que el día temprano.  Esa madrugada en que te vi, desde ahí, yo te veo como mía, quiero ser tuyo pero eso sería en mis sueños cuando dormía."

Why is every single girl crying? 

"Que hermoso, señorito Smith, who are you dedicating that to?"

"I prefer not to say but...I think she knows deep down."

She looks at me finally, her eyes filled with water waiting to gush out of her tear duct.  Those gorgeous heterochromia eyes are crying because of my art.

Adeline hugs me after class, it was really random but the most lovely thing I've witnessed so far today.

"What was that for?"

"That poem was beautiful, I'm sure whoever you dedicated that poem to is lucky to have someone who'll love them for who they are."  She says calmly, her nose red and eyes gushy.

"IT'S YOU, ADELINE PARKER" I want to say, but it seems like a wire in my throat every time the subject comes up. 

The bell rings, and on with the next poem.

The students welcome Ms. Fickleson as she enters at the same time as us. 

Finally she isn't late.

She basically said the same thing as Mrs. Pints, and it's Adeline first, again.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

"My poem is called 'What Is Real?'.  I really like you, but your mixed signals have me overthinking whether if you do too", everyone is "Ooh"ing this one too, who could blame them?

"You said you liked me, hell, told me you loved me.  I want you to hurt the way I do when I'm reminded of you."

Whoever that guy is, ouch.

"A hurt so bad, it won't let you be.  I don't even know if you're tired of me or if you meant what you said!  All of your compliments, stuck in my head and I lay on my bed, crying.  I'd be lying if I said I hated you but I'd also be lying if I said I forgive you at the moment. It hurts me that we don't express what we feel, I know it's not on purpose but we won't heal until we know.  You're just confusing."  She finishes her poem, reading it with feeling...

Like she was reading it to someone in the room.

"Psst, she was looking at you the whole time, you ass!" Elenor mutters, and in fact, she's looking at me.

Oh, what are you trying to say, Adeline Parker.

My turn goes next after so many people with C, D, and E names, why so many?

"I've never really written poems until today so don't come for me! It's called 'Too Quick'.  I've fallen in love, a lot.  A little too hard that I can come across as 'too passionate' or 'pushy'.  I've been called obsessive at times when it comes to love.  I don't confirm nor deny these statements because by all means, it could be true or false.  If I said no, it would be a lie,"

I'm hesitant to say the rest of the poem, because it's majorly obvious on who it is. 

But it's now or never.

"Oh, how would I die for Queen Esme's storyline written by Laquanda Rhimes.  A love so strong, it's bound to make others happy.  I like this girl, I don't want to blow it.  I may already be a bother while she tells me it isn't.  I musn't, couldn't, wouldn't show it.  Show the fact that I would answer a text or call in a heartbeat.  I'm afraid I'll cross the line but I don't know where it begins because what at the finish line is her.  She calls me 'dummy'.  She says 'pinky promise' and subtly flirts with me.  Maybe she has a flirty personality and I'm actually a dummy. I've known her all my life but why does it feel like my world goes off on fireworks when I hear her voice or see her face? So yes, I fall for people too quick, but this girl's worth it, even if it isn't me she'll pick."

Everyone claps, even Ms. Fickleson smiled, SHE SMILED! She never smiles at my assignments!  Woah, maybe I could even beat Adeline at her own game.  I won't go that far though, that's her thing.

"A plus! Well done, Mister Smith! I'm very impressed.  Here's a brochure on the writing club contest."  She gives me a piece of paper that it seems like I can't refuse because the prize is ten thousand dollars. 

"Actually, your best writer is Adeline Parker, I'd bet that prize on her." I whisper, Ms. Fickleson going up to her desk instead. 

The class bell rings on the last class which is Physics.  I get the pop quiz perfectly aced, and I walk home with Adeline. 

"So, what was that all about?" Adeline asks curiously.

"What are you talking about?"

"The poems in Spanish and English class"  She proceeds to answer the question.

"Oh, well..I mean, they're just poems, am I right?"

"Poems reflect your deepest desires and say your inner thoughts"

Damn, she's good at this.

"Don't be stupid, I needed something last minute so I just needed rhymes."

She bumps my arm playfully with a smirk on her face.


"Nothing, totally don't see the fairy lights in your bedroom."  she points up to my window, giggling at the gesture I made for her.

"You don't know what those are for, just wait and see."

"Fine, then I will!"

As we approach my house, I open the door for her and tell my mom I'm home.

Not if she cares or anything.  Wait, no one's home, at least the house is clean.

"Don't go upstairs! I wanna take you, just hold on a second."

I bet the tie I had in my backpack and put it over her eyes.

"What is this?  A new type of kink you got?"  She snickers, laughing at the thought of her eyes in a tie.

"Just walk with me."

She does so and follows me upstairs. We get to my room and I take Adeline inside my bedroom. I untie her eyes when she asked me to do so.


There were fairy lights, roses in a book-shaped vase, a blanket with a Hello Kitty lego set, and the book series she's been talking about for months, and her favorite sparkling aloe vera drink.

"With extra lychee." I chuckle, signaling the drink.

She turns to me, her hot tears escaping her different colored irises.  I wipe her tears as she laughs and looks again.

"It's so beautiful, Jake.  Why did you do this?"

"Well, I wanted to do it right this time, so I started with the poems in class, and I came up with this when I had to 'go to the bathroom' at lunch."  I respond, taking her small hands on mine.

"The truth is, Adeline..."

"I love you.  I always did, always have.  I was hoping we could have a good time, kinda like our first date and...I wanted to ask you," I hesitate asking, but I look into her eyes knowing it's time.

"Will you, Adeline Parker, accept me, Jacob Smith, to be your boyfriend? I promise that I will put my best efforts for you, I promise to do everything you ask, I promise to choose you every day and keep choosing you, for as long as you have me?"




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