Chapter XIV: The Spiritual Circle Of Transportation

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On a Saturday morning in early February, Rayga met with Cyrano at the Mikaelson Corporation. Cyrano invited Rayga to go to the People's Meeting Hall, which was located halfway between the three villages of Elfin, Dwarvos, and Centaurian. A large hangar-shaped building made of aluminum that can accommodate up to 2000 people at once. This People's Meeting Hall is a room commonly used by demigods and Nephilim to hold parties, ritual events, and meetings.

 This People's Meeting Hall is a room commonly used by demigods and Nephilim to hold parties, ritual events, and meetings

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Cyrano took Rayga into the interior of the People's Meeting Hall and headed for a separate room inside. There were many weapons, war clothes, and a hardened corpse of Dwarvos. Around the corpse's neck hung a necklace with an ancient Roman silver coin attached to its chest.

There was also a large mirror with a width of 1.2 meters and a height of 2.2 meters that was suitable for looking at appearance before going to war and a painting next to it.

Then Cyrano approached the painting depicting a night scene with a full moon. He lifted the painting from the wall, revealing a hole with a lever in it. Cyrano pulled the lever and heard the sound of the lock opening. Then Cyrano returned the painting to its original place. After that Cyrano opened a large mirror next to it like a door.

Cyrano invited Rayga into the room behind the mirror. Inside there was a large empty room and right in the middle of the room there was a circle with a diameter of two meters with red paint along the circumference of the circle. Then an altar for worship with unlit candles.

Rayga asked: "Uncle Cyrano, what is this room and what is the circle for?"

Cyrano explained: "This is a secret room for us demigods & Nephilim. Only Jacob, Avram and finally you know about it. It is a spiritual circle of transportation that connects the dwellings of the seven nations of demigods and Nephilim. With the circle, we can visit other circles belonging to other nations through spirit world transportation. This is ancient magic discovered by the ancestors of the demigods and Nephilim thousands of years ago. The Full Moon Transportation Spiritual Circle only works from one night before the full moon to one day after the full moon night. To activate it, there must be people reciting an ancient mantra simultaneously, both from the place of departure and at the destination. The red paint around the circle is the blood of virgins or virgins who died giving themselves to Father Creator."

Rayga asked in a loud voice: "What do you mean uncle? To make this circle we had to kill and paint the circle with the blood of a virgin female or virgin men? Isn't this forbidden dark magic?"

Cyrano replied: "This is not dark magic, all powerful magic must be paid for with death be it white magic or black magic. Blood is the main element for the redemption and payment of life that was arranged by the Father of Creation."

Rayga asked again by interrupting Cyrano's explanation: "You mean uncle, the Creator Father allows the offering of human lives?"

Cyrano answered calmly: "For certain things, it was allowed thousands of years ago, all written in the scriptures. Father Creator asked Abraham to sacrifice his son. Then Judge Jephthah offered his only daughter to the Creator Father as payment for his vow. Then Father Creator made Mr. J die on the cross to atone for the sins of His chosen people. All of them have in common the blood and the virgin ones. Blood I have already explained while virgin means her body is still pure from worldly impurity."

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