Chapter 3: Friends

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Five more years had passed. Shadow learned and experience many wonderful things and places. The prince had made many friends and a few enemies in his lifetime. Starhunter, Sharpclaws and Mindwatcher were his closest friends, and they always spent good quality time together. Due to his growing condition he was about four times as tall as the average adult male, but he didn't mind it one bit.

The four were sitting on a hill together, watching the sun go down. "It's so beautiful this evening." Shadow said soflty, laying down beside them. "I can't believe we're almost done with school.." He sighed deeply.

"I know, it's crazy isn't it?" Starhunter said with a smile. "When I get done I wanna get into astronomy." He shrugged.

"Of course you do, haha.. It's basically your name!" Mindwatcher said. "I'm gonna paint, always loved painting." She said. "Still waiting for you to let me paint you, your majesty." She teased to Shadow, who covered his face and snorted. Her scales were a dark and her underbelly a light blue. Her eyes were a beautiful shade of blue one which Shadow always admired. They looked like sapphires. She was also a mind reader, the only one of his friends with powers.

"Soon, we just have to finish that project we're working on for the competition." Shadow said with a huff. "Which I have a spectacular idea for, by the way."

"Aaaand what's that?" Sharp asked. He may have smaller than average, but he had a big heart. The Nightwing was a dull black with grey underbelly scales. His eyes were dark green. The prince pat Sharpclaws on the head with his enormous claw, making the seemingly tiny dragon squeak and swat at his talon.

"Since one of the scoring categories was realism, I was thinking we could make some sort of scaling tool to accurately depict the scale of our model to real life." Shadow suggested. "Whatcha think?"

"That's brilliant, Shadow!" Starhunter said. "I can probably help with that."

"You're so smart." Mindwatcher said before petting his snout a little. The prince's eyes widened a tiny bit but he didn't protest her actions. He just rest his head down and smiled at his friends.

"Yeah, don't let anyone tell you that you're not." Starhunter said before sitting by him.

"Thanks. Sharp get over here." Shadow chucked soflty. The smaller Nightwing made his way over and led down on him a bit. "Haha, you're so adorable and small."

"I'm not that little!" Sharp huffed. "To everyone else, maybe just you because you're so darn big!" He crossed his arms but relaxed. Shadow pat his head gently before thumping his tail.

"When do you guys wanna get started?" He asked, glancing at his three friends before sprawling out and stretching. He draped a wing over his three friends.

"Why not now?" Starhunter suggested.

"I'm not opposed to that." Shadow started to sit up. "Okay let's go." He smiled. "Who wants a ride?"

"Me!" Sharp said as he grabbed a spike on his back.

"I'll fly." Starhunter said. "But I think she might want one." He joked and nudged Mindwatcher. "She loves staring at your shoulders."

"Oh be quiet!" Mindwatcher giggled as she climbed onto Shadow. "He's right, about the ride- not the shoulders!" She snorted.

"It's okay if you think I have good shoulders, because you would be right." Shadow flexed his back a little. He had gotten a little plump and chunky over the years, but he had a broad, bulky body type. Many male Nightwings did, but being a giant caused him to be even more so than usual. "Before we get to work, can we get some food?"

"Stooooop. And yes, I'm hungry." Mindwatcher snorted. Shadow looked back and saw her covering her face, making him laugh. He spread his wings and took off, heading towards the palace.

"Of course! Can't work on an empty stomach, especially you big guy!" Starhunter teased as they flew.

As Shadow flew with his friends to the palace. It was such a beautiful, grand structure. A spectacular work of ancient architecture that could house hundreds of dragons, thousands of scrolls and works of art. The towers were enormous, beautiful and grand. Almost every single room was large enough to somewhat accommodate his father. And there were many, many secrets he had yet to discover.

As they landed, he nodded to a guard so they could enter. His friends followed behind him.

"This place never gets old, or any less beautiful." Starhunter said with a chuckle. "It's spectacular."

"Isn't it wonderful?" Mindwatcher said. "I just love it, there's no greater place than the palace." She smiled and looked up at Shadowstalker. "And I think the best part is that he lives here. That's my favorite resident right there." She teased and pat his side as she walked.

"Guys.." Shadow said with a small, nervous laugh. "Moons- alright let's get some food. I'm starving."

"Yess! I love your uncle's cooking, because he is the best at it!" Sharp said enthusiastically. Shadow chuckled quietly as they walked, his tail swaying. He glanced at Starhunter with a small smile. "How ya doing buddy?" He asked.

"Fine as always, your majesty." He teased. "I saw you and Mindwatcher. Getting all romantic."

"Shush it!" She squeaked with a huff. "That was between him and I, thank you."

"Yes- hah..uh, she was just giving me some cookies." He said quietly as he walked. "Some delicious cookies, by the way. And now you won't get any." He stuck his tongue out at Starhunter with a grin.

"Yeah whatever, I'll just steal em when you're not looking." Starhunter grinned.

"You will do no such thing." Shadow huffed. "Or I'll squash ya." He poked him with his big claw, making his friend laugh a little.

"Ello lads!" A voice called. He turned and saw Nighthawk, then he waved. "What are you four up to today?" He asked. The cloaked Nightwing was a good friend of his. Shadow knew of his past involving the war, the Jackal gang in the sand kingdom, and how most of the other kingdoms didn't allow him in, but he liked him. Nighthawk was a family friend, and he always would be.

"Just heading to get something to eat from the kitchens." Shadow said with a nod. "You want to join us?"

"Hah, not today, but thank you. Got some important work to do, might need help. Come by my office later if you're interested." He said with a smile. "Got something for ya."

"Of course Nighthawk. I'll talk to you after we're done." Shadow smiled. Then he began to head to the kitchen.

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