Sleepover fun! - Mimi

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A/N: This week, you're receiving high marks.

On Monday, February 5, Mercury in your house of career conjoins Pluto in Aquarius. Today, you're like a detective reconstructing a crime. Taurus, you might be doing some forensic analysis on a finished project to understand how your team could have done better. Or you might be interpreting something your supervisor said to give you more insight into the direction of the company. Today, you find the information you're looking for.

Venus in Capricorn and your house of travel squares the North Node and South Node on Tuesday, February 6. You could be looking at your schedule to see if you can fit in a quick trip. You might be looking at warm and sunny destinations that are far away, but perhaps a shorter trip is all you can manage.


Changmin was going over his paperwork when his phone hand rang on the counter. He looked over it before picking it up to see that it's Mimi. 

Hi, babe. 

Hey, you know I've been thinking......

Thinking about what? 

That you and I should have a sleepover! You can come over to the dorm and then we can make a great blanket fort and then, we'll e4at some smores and chocolate and tell spooky stories----

Aren't we a little bit too old to have a sleepover? 

So what?! You're never too old to have a sleepover. Besides, it will be so much fun! 


Come on! 


Oh, come on! 



Alright, fine. I'll come.

Yes, you won't regret it, I promise. 

I better not.

Changmin sighed, shaking his head. 

Jeez, the things men has to do for love. 

YooA and Mimi buy some sleepover materials over at the mall from plushies, blankets, and pillows with all sorts of treats. 

"So what made you want to do a sleepover with Changmin?" YooA asked. 

"Well, he has been working hard over the past couple of days without any other rest and I just thought it's a great idea. I remember back when I was a kid, I would do sleepovers all the time with my best friends." Mimi recountered her memories. 

"Cool. What kind of things have you done?" YooA asked. 

"Oh, just telling each other any story we can think of, pillow fights, making some makeshift masks...... all of the above." Mimi answered. 

"Sounds like fun." YooA replied, "Wish I could join, but I've already got some plans with my friends." 

"That's cool." Mimi shrugged. 

The two have went to the movie section and there's loads o hot movies that displayed. YooA then spotted one movie that caught her eye and then handed her the movie. 

"What is it?" Mimi asked. 

"This movie is such a classic. I watched the movie and it always brings me to tears, I really hope that you guys check this out. The plot is awesome and the two main characters are super cool and so dreamy, trust me." YooA replied. 

"What's it called?" Mimi checked it out. 

"It's called The Infinity and Beyond and can I just say... there are paqrts in this movie that will really mnake you feel like you're in the movie?" YooA fangirled.

"Must be one heck of a movie to make you fangirl this much." Mimi chuckled. 

The day of the sleepover came and as Mimi is getting ready, she heard a doorbell. SHe skipped hapilly to see a very reluctant Changmin standing in his PJs. She immediately bursted out laughing at his silly Pjs.  

"Don't even start. You're the one that made me wear this." He rolled his eyes. 

"I never said that you have to show up here with your PJs, though. Although, I'm glad that you did because they look so damn cute on you!" She laughed at the little duckies. 

He blushed as he walked, letting himself in and hiding his embarassment. 

"So what are we doing first?" He asked. 

"Right, first up, we're going to play a little UNO game and then we'll make some makeshift masks." She replied, "Finally, we'll watch YooA's movie." 

"YooA is starring in a movie?" He asked.

"No, but the other day, her eyes twinkled with delight once she picked up that movie and desperately wanted us to watch it." She replied.

"Okay, cool." He said. 

The UNO game was chaotically fun as they snapped on the cards. Mimi spotted a power card and wants to use it, but Changmin has the other hand by pausing the game so that she can't use it.

"No, if you use this card, that means you'll win!" She said.

"That's the whole idea!" He yelled. 

She tackled him down to the ground as the teo giggled and laughed happily. She pinned him down and gav e him raspberries, making him squirm underneath her touch. 

Mimi mixed the mixture in the bowl and began to spread across his face. She carefully sculpted it so that there won't be any matt patches anywhere on his skin. The cooling appliance on his flesh was really opening up on his pores as it sent a very tingling sensation on his skin. 

As she placed a cucumber on his left eye, without noticing, she went to pick another one before seeing that he ate the cucumber. 

"Dude!" She scolded him.

"What?! I haven't had anything when I got here. I was hoping that you'd make some things for us. You know, since I;m going to be here for the night." He shrugged. 

"You can have something to eat when it's time for the movie to start." She reminded him. 

It was then time to see the movie. Buyt before that, she guided him all the way to the blanket fort. It was very huge and splendid.

"Wow, have you done that?" He asked. 

"Yep! With a bit of help from Hyojung and Jiho, of course." She replied. 

The two went inside the fort and it's a lo9t more spacious and big then it is on the outside. As the movie began to start, the two went into a cuddling position. 


A/N: Have you guys ever went to a sleepover before? 

See you next time!!!!!



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