Chapter 2

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Tris POV:

I got up early this morning and took a quick shower. I got dressed and headed down stairs. When I got down to the kitchen I saw that it was only me and my parents. So the boys must be sleeping in since it's summer.

" Good morning. Here have something to eat." My mom says to me.Setting a plate of eggs and bacon on the table along with some water.

" Morning. Thank you." I say as I sit down and eat. Then Uriah soon comes rushing down.

" Good morning my lovely family."Uriah says with a huge smile plastered on his face.

"Why are you so happy this morning?" Our dad asks looking at Uriah skeptically.

"Oh nothing. What I can't be happy?" Uriah responds quickly and trying to mock fake hurt at the last sentence.I look at Uriah with one eyebrow arched.

"You sure your okay ?"I asked. All he does is nod while trying to hold in laughter. Zeke comes in and he has Bright pink hair with green high lights. At this point Uriah and I burst out laughing while our parents look at him in awe. Zeke on the other hand looks pissed and if looks could kill, Uriah and I would be 6 feet under.

"Alright that's enough! Who did THIS!" Zeke shouts looking between me and Uriah while pointing at his hair.We share a look and immediately point at each other at the same time saying 'he did it' or' she did it'.

"Ugh, you two are impossible." He says storming off to wash the dye out of his hair. I turn to Uriah and smack his arm.

" Why did you try to blame it on me?"

" Because that's what brothers who are the same age as you do."

" Your an idiot."

"I prefer the term professional annoying brother and all time prankster." He reply's with pride. I just roll my eyes and mumble 'Whatever'.

" Ha I got it out." Zeke says running down the stairs but fails by tripping on the last step and face planting into the rug. I just shake my head and smirk at his stupidity and Uriah gets out his phone and takes a picture. My phone beeps and I check to see who it is but all I see is a picture of Zeke on the floor.

"Blackmail."Uriah whispers in my ear.

"Good thinking."I say back. Zeke gets up off the floor and sits down like nothing happened.

" So Tris I think its time you meet the gang."Zeke says take a strip of bacon from Uriah's plate and eating it.Earning a glare from Uriah and being the child like person he is he shielded his plate.

" Ya that would be great, thanks." Zeke nods finishing his piece.

" Well good since there coming over soon. I know you'll like them and they'll like you too."Zeke says satisfied as he reaches for another piece but Uriah is quick to respond this time and smacks his hand away and sticks his tongue out in victory. Zeke just shrugs and goes over to my plate but I swipe it away before he gets the chance. Zeke sits back in his chair and pouts with his arms crossed. We all just laugh at him until there is a knock at the door. I get up to get it and out of the corner of my eye I see Zeke go for my plate.

" Zeke." I warn

"Sorry." He says looking down ashamed.I roll my eyes and open the door. In front of me stands 6 people. The first one was a girl that had tan skin, short brown hair, and brown eyes. The next one was a boy who was tall had brown hair and green eyes. The girl after him had her hair shaved and had black eyes. After her was another girl that looked like her but she had long brown hair. Then there was a blond haired girl with brown eyes.Lastly there was a boy who was tall and muscular with deep ocean blue eyes.

"Hi you must be Zeke and Uriah's new sister. My names Christina but you can call me Chris." The girl with the short brown hair said while giving me a hug. At first I was taken back at her kindness but then I hugged her back. When she pulled away she lit up and had a smile on her face and it was one of those smiles that make you want to smile too and so I did.

"Hey my name is Tris."

" That's Will my boyfriend."She says motioning to the boy next to her.

"Hey."Will says with a slight wave.

"I'm Marlene."The girl with the blond hair says.

"Lynn."The girl with the shaved head says with her hand extended for me to shake. I gratefully shake it. She had a firm grip but so did I. She noticed this and smirked at me which I returned.She must be the tough girl of the group. Finally i'm not the only one.

" I'm Shauna Lynn's sister."The girl that looked like Lynn said. I nodded once.

"Hi my names Four."The boy with the blue eyes said.

"Cool, you mind if I call you number boy?" I ask jokingly.He looks at me with an amused expression.

"You know people usually question me about my name but you didn't you just accepted it." He says surprised. I just laugh and say

"Well you didn't seem like you were ling about it so I believed you."I point out. He smiles a genuine smile and so does every one else. I smile as well.

"Why don't you guys come in." I say and they all go in. I think were all going to be good friends.We go to the living room and Zeke and Uriah are already sitting there grinning like the idiots they are.

" We saw what happened out side through the window."Zeke says like a giddy school girl.

"So Tris are in the gang or not?"Uriah asks excitedly. That moment every one in the room looked at me nervous and expectantly.

" I'm in." I say. With that every one cheers and we all come into a group hug.

"So who's up for a game of truth or dare." Lynn says.

"ME!" We all say. We all sit in the living room and let the games begin.

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