Chapter 20

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Tris POV:
 As I run through the woods with Scott we come across the old Hale house. But there was something off about it. I stop running and take a look at the house. Scott notices my sudden stop.
" Hey, you okay?" He says coming next to me.
" Yeah. I'm fine. But the house isn't."  I try to scan the house seeing if I can find out what's wrong.
" What do you- Wait look at the door. It's different, see. It looks just a shade lighter than it used to be." He points out. Of course the door. How could I have missed that. We got closer to the house and we noticed movement inside. We stopped where we were. I looked to Scott seeing that he was already looking at me. We knew each other so well that with just one look we knew exactly what the other was thinking.  And soon with that Scott left as I crouched down so I wouldn't be seen through the window. I slowly creep towards the door being careful not to make a sound.
As I stood up at the doorway the person that was inside was already there waiting for me behind the door. I take a step forward thinking I can make the first move on them but I'm not fast enough. The person grabs me by the throat, slamming me into the wall, lifting me up off the ground.  Everything happens so quickly. Scott comes out immediately and throws the person off me to the ground. What  did you really think he would leave me like that? What kind of boyfriend would he be then? When I said Scott left I meant he left to go around the back entrance.
Scott grabs the collar of the persons shirt and is has his fist pulled back ready to hit. That is until we notice who it is.
"Derek?" We say in unison. Scott releases him and helps him up.
" Yeah!" He says clearly pissed. " What are you two doing here any way?"
" We could ask you the same thing." Scott snaps next to me. Derek gives us a confused look.
" Oh don't give us that crap. The door." I say angered that he thinks he can lie to our faces. He sighs. 
" Alright fine I guess there's no point in lying."  Derek admits as he walks passed us to the door. He grazes his claws over the door, taking of the paint and reveling what was underneath. A triangular like symbol was painted in black paint.
" What does it mean?" Scott asked as he traced his fingers over the symbol.
" It's a pack symbol." Derek stated, staring at the door emotionless.
" What? How come we've never seen this symbol before than?" Scott turns his attention to Derek.
" That's because it's an alpha pack. If you couldn't already tell by the name it's made up of alphas."
" That's impossible. There's no such thing." I say in disbelief.
" Well there is such thing. And they're coming. When they get here they're going to be looking for us, as you can tell by the symbol practically marking us all ." Derek says to us.
" Or there already here. How else could that symbol get there." Scott suggest.
" Scotts right. We need to warn our packs and the hunters about this right away." I say as we leave heading off to tell the others.

AN: Hey everyone! What do you think? Please don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share. Be Brave Initiates!  

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