Chapter 12

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Tris POV:

This is it. Tonight we capture the Kanima. After tonight the master of the kanima will notice its gone and go looking for it. We have to find who is behind all this. We also have to find a way to help get Jackson back to normal. Or at least something close to it. 

Derek and I are ready to go. The pack decided we would meet up at the club. When we arrive we can already hear the music blaring from inside. I see my pack and Derek's pack waiting for us.

" Hey." I say as we approach them. 

" Alright now that everyone is here we can get started." Stiles starts."The plan is simple and has to done quickly so no one can get distracted you hear me?" We all nod in understanding.

" Ok. So now that we got that cleared up on to the plan. you guys are going to go in there but not together. You'll be in groups and each group will have a job. One group will be Isaac, Boyd, and Erica. You guys are going to distract Jackson and lead his away from the crowd. Next group will be Derek, Malia, and Scott. Your group will have to get Jackson into the room and then stand out side to make sure it doesn't get out and no one goes in. After that is Tris, Liam, and Kira who will be looking out and making sure nothing stops the plan and they will also keep an eye out for who ever is controlling the Kanima. Last is Lydia, Alison, and myself. We'll seal you all in with the mountain ash and unseal it when you guys are ready to come out." We all agree to the plan. We also keep in mind that we have to keep the humans safe. 

When my group and I go in i'm immediately hit with the strong and unmistakable sent of alcohol.There are people dancing, others kissing or talking, and those who are drinking. We all split up that way we can cover more. Dived and concur, right? 

I watch the crowd trying to act casual and blend in. I spot Jackson and with him are Erica, Isaac, and Boyd. I guess there plan is Erica to flirt with him while the guys tempt him. I roll my eyes and continue doing my part in this plan. I look over and see Scott of to the side with Derek and Malia. He scans the crowd until his eyes land on mine and he immediately gives me a reassuring smile in which I return. 

Tobias POV: 

We go to where Tris lives and knock on the door. But no one answers.

"Where could she possibly be at this time of night?" Marlene asks. 

" Maybe there's another way to find her." Will speaks up. 

" How oh nerdy one." Uriah cracks. Will ignores Uriah's stupid joke and continues. 

" We can track her phone if its on." 

" Well what are you waiting for work your tech magic and find her" Lynn rushes. 

Will works on it and just 2 minutes later he finds her. 

" I got it!" He shouts. 

"Where Is she?" Christina asks. 

" She's at a club?" Zeke says in confusion while staring at the computer screen. 

" Well that doesn't matter right now. What matters is going to see her. So lets go, the club isn't that far." Shauna says as we set off to the club. 

__________Time laps _________

We get to the club and its loud and smells of alcohol. We try to stay together as a group and search for Tris. 

"Over there!" I shout over the music. I noticed Tris is all dressed up and is smiling to someone across the room. I look in the direction she's looking in and I see that guy that came to take Tris back home. Yeah, not her brother, no its the other one...Scott. Ugh whats he doing here. I'm taken out of my thoughts when I notice the gang and myself are moving towards Tris. 

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