Chapter 22

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Tris POV :

The next day the pack was already informed on what happened. Now we have to deal with our new threat at our own school as well as out side of our social lives. The day at school goes on as usual. The gang trying to figure out what is wrong with the pack, and the pack avoiding their constant stares. As I said the day went on as usual...... sort of.

What I mean by sort of is that ever since the twins got here, they are all that everyone can talk about. They the mysterious twins that showed up at our school. They keep to themselves all the time. Everyone at school has there own facination with them, all with their own theories and rumors. People have noticed somthing going on with my pack and them. It's not hard to catch the tension between us.

At lunch, I take my tray of food and start to make my way over to my packs table which is right in between the gangs table and the twins table.

As a get closer Adien approaches me. He doesn't stand in front of me but shoulder to shoulder.He is facing what's behind me and I face what's in front. I don't meet his eyes and he does the same.

" 9 tonight in the woods inside the Hale house. None of you be late." He says slightly tilting his head towards mine but still not looking me in the eye. He all of that knowing that the pack was listening in. I can asume that the pack told Stiles, Lydia, and Alison what he said since their senses aren't heightened like ours.

Out of the corner of my eye I see Adien going back to his table and sitting next to his brother Ethan. I do the same, sitting down in my seat next to Scott. I notice that alot of people are looking at us and whispering to each other like we can't see them, the gang included.

~~~~~ Time laps ~~~~~~~~

I hoped on my motorcycle and put on my helmet. I start to pull out of school when a girl jumps in front of me. Not just any girl. Christina.

" What the hell! I could have ran you over!" I yell at her.

" I know, you could have. But you wouldn't." She says.

" So what's at 9 in the Hale house tonight ?" She asks.

" Nothing and it's none of your business anyway. So stop easdroping." I snap at her and speed off.

AN: Hey guys. Please don't forget to Comment, Vote, and Share. Be Brave Initiates!

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