Chapter 11

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Four POV: 

The day we go the airport to see Tris is tomorrow morning and we will arrive at night. We all have been very excited this week. Although Marlene and Christina where also freaking out that the plane might crash. There calm now but lets just hope they don't lose it on the flight. We have everything packed and ready to go. Now all that's left is to get to California. 

Tris POV: 

A lot has happened since last week. Let me fill you in. 

 Lydia now and then still thinks she is seeing Peter and we still don't know why. Derek and his pack were looking for the new supernatural in town. While they where doing there own thing my pack and I took matters into our own hands. Alison got this book called the bestiary. It was filled of info on all kinds of supernaturals. Hunters used it to identify the different supernaturals. From the all the deaths that have happened and the poison found on all of them we know what were dealing with now. It's called a Kanima. A Kanima's power is at its strongest during the full moon like werewolves. Like werewolves seek a pack the Kanima seeks a master. The kanima is a weapon of vengeance, doing its masters bidding. So this means who ever this person is controlling the kanima is behind all these deaths. A kanima is the same size as the average male human and is covered in scales. The poison or venom comes from its claws. One touch and it will temporally paralyze you for hours. We also found out that the kanima is Jackson. See the kamima is a mutation of a werewolf so since Jackson's body resisted the bite from Derek he turned into a kanima. And of course the hunters want to kill it. My pack on the other hand want to capture it. Derek and his pack volunteered to help as well so together we can find its master and stop them before they can order the kanima to do anything else.  

So now you're all caught up. We made a plan to capture the kanima. We found out it was going to be at a club tomorrow night. Were going to lure it into a room and lock it in so it can't get out. And to make sure it can't get out we will surround the building in mountain ash. Mountain ash can keep any supernatural creature in or out. Only non supernaturals can break the seal. That's why its Stiles job. Some of us might be trapped in as well but Stiles can break the seal long enough for us to get out and than he can reseal it keeping the kanima in. 

We have to make sure the plan works. We can't afford anything to get in the way. 

AN: Hey guys. please don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share. Be Brave Initiates.

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