Chapter 6

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" We? " Tobias asks angrily

"Look just let me explain." She says trying to calm down Tobias but right now I get the feeling were about to hear bad news and were going to be as furious as Tobias. She looks at the boy who has black hair and green eyes. He looks a little like Tris but no entirely. He gives her a look of encouragement. But she still seems unsure. The boy with the black hair and warm brown eyes puts his hand on hers and nods once with a smile. She smiles back and gives her courage she needed. Out of the cover of my eye I see Tobias glare daggers at the boy whose holding Tris's hand. Tris turns to us and starts.

================Time laps back to this morning=============

Tris POV:

The gang had left to go to the park just a few minutes ago and i'm sitting on the couch going through Zeke's computer. My mom and dad left for work before the gang left so i'm home alone. To be honest i'm glad no one is here, than that make it harder for me to get to Zeke's computer.

I've spent half of my day at home. I finished working on the computer just a while ago. I was planning on just sitting on the couch and binge watching on Netflix but just as I sit down the door bell rings. Dammit, seriously I just sat down now I have to get up and go all the way to the door. Now I know what your thinking ' wow lazy much' but come on you have to admit we've all been there. I groan as I get up and walk up to the door.

I expected it to be the gang since Zeke and Uriah always lose or forget there keys. I open the door and immediately start to say without looking.

" Forgot your keys again i'm guessing?" I say sarcastically.

" Yeah I think I would if I had the keys to this house."A familiar voice says back teasingly.My head shoots up and my eyes widen. There in front of me stands my brother Derek and my best friend and co-pack leader Scott.

"OH MY GOD, YOUR FINALLY HERE!" I shout while throwing my arms around them. Since I yelled they were half hugging me half holding there ears because of there sensitive wolf hearing.

" Well Its good to see you to sis." Derek says coming in with Scott and sitting down on the couch. They sit down on either side of me.

" Why didn't you call." I ask.

"We thought it would be better to surprise you." Scott says smirking.

"So how have things been Tris? We can already tell that you missed us like we missed you." Derek says trying to catch up on the time we were apart.

"It's been good. I've got great friends, good a foster family with two boys my our age, and a great boyfriend named Four." Scott seems a bit disappointed at the boyfriend part.

"Have you told them yet?"Scott asks.

" Oh you two both know me well enough to know I didn't. I couldn't tell them any way because it would make them suspicious." I say with a sigh.

" Suspicious of what Tris?" Scott gives me a confused look.

" I'm pretty sure you know very well what."

" God Tris, not only do you have to now tell them last minute but you slipped up and now there going to think you leaving is because of that." Derek sits back running his fingers through his hair after saying that.

" I know, I know. I screwed up, I'm sorry."

"It's okay we all make mistakes." Scott comforts me. Derek nods along in agreement.

" Did they see you change?" Scott asks concerned.

"No they only saw my eyes turn only for a moment then I turned them back. They kept asking me about it and saying they wanted to help but I wouldn't let them. That was only last night. This morning I found their research on it so I got rid of it all along with a picture they had of me with my eyes open. I guess you already know what appeared in front of my eyes." I explain to them.

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