Chapter 5

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" Dare" I say confidently 

" I dare you to tell us the truth,Why did your eyes change from blue-gray to deep red.And you have to tell the truth. Christina can tell when you lie."They all look at me intently.Crap I can't lie Chris(Christina) will be able to tell. This isn't going to end well. 

====================Back were we left off================ 

Think Tris, think. Find an excuse, a way to go around it like you don't feel comfortable talking about it. No I can't, that would mean that there's something up. Looks like I have to try and dismiss myself....If I can. 

"Hey I think it's getting late. I'm just going to head up stairs to bed. Night guys." I say as I stand up and make my way quickly to my room. I'm only half way up the stairs when I hear....

" Oh no you don't, get back down here. Tris you know you can tell us anything. Where  your best friends." Shauna calls after me while Marlene and Zeke come up the stairs and practically drag me back into the living room. Dammit. I was so close. 

"Look there's nothing for me to tell. Honestly, it was probably the sun reflecting off my eyes or something." I try to sound as convincing as possible. 

"Then tell us why you are trying so hard to make an excuse to leave?"Lynn arches an eyebrow at me . 

"Because I feel tiered and I just wan't to go to sleep." I whine. And I wasn't lying about being tired. 

" It's not even that late. Why are you so tired?" Tobias asked. 

"I think I've had enough of this." I say with my hands up and this time I run to my room not letting anyone try and hold me back. I slam my door and lock it,I don't want to talk to them. I just lean against the door. I hear slight murmurs outside my door. 

"Tris we are going to let the gang sleep over to show you we care and that you can tell us because were are going to find out one way or the other." Uriah says 

"We just want to help." Chris pleads but I don't answer. I know I can tell them but this is different. They wouldn't understand. 

Christina POV: 

I don't know why she is acting like this. She always tells us everything. I guess were just going to find out a way to help her in some way.  Like it or not Tris  we want to help. Were her friends well help her either way. And that's when it hits me. 

When we are all down stairs hanging out in the living room I tell them my idea. 

"Why don't we look up what the red eyes mean. Then well know what to do." I say.

"Well I was thinking...." Uriah says 

"What were you thinking?" Will asks impatiently. 

"She could be a vampire or a monster or something like that." He says laughing a little.

"Those things aren't real Uri (Uriah)"Marlene says like she's talking to a little kid. We get Zeke's computer and hook it up to the flat screen TV with an HDMI cable. Now Will starts to type into the computer while we watch the same thing hes seeing on the TV. 

Will types into the computer RED EYES  and we see a bunch of stuff for red eyes but its for the white part of your eyes. So Will tries again but this time he types. EYES TURNING RED. And they show links to what it might mean.

 We've been looking for a logical reason for an hour now but everything is just about werewolves. So just for fun we decide to just for fun to look at one of the links. We know this is all fake but hey were curious to see what they say. A picture of what there eyes look like and surprisingly they look slightly like how Tris's was. I look at the rest of the gang and by the looks of it they noticed this too. 

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