Chapter 27

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Tobias POV:

It's been 3 weeks since we confronted Tris and her pack. Since then the gang and the pack have had a fair relationship. In fact we're are sort of friends....sort of. The pack is still vague with their responses when ever we ask them about anything supernatural. I will be honest it does get frustrating from time to time but at least now they don't try to dismiss us when we ask like they use to. What the gang is happy about hearing is now the pack has agreed to let us sit in on pack meetings.

If the pack knew how we found out their secret they will surely be mad. Luckily we haven't spoken to our informant since then and our informant hasn't reached out to us either. They're probably too busy anyway. 


"Why are you telling us all this?" Christina questioned with an arched eyebrow. 

"We tell you this since we know that you care for your friends. We've been keeping tabs on them for a long time now. Since their pack was first formed as a matter of fact. We know them well enough to know that sooner or later something will happen and you all will be faced with an important decision. And that decision will be whether or not you will be able to work together with the pack." She said confidently.  We all stood there baffled. We understood that we would have to confront the pack on them not telling us what they are. But couldn't we work with them to get passed this together?

" That is why I'm making you an offer." She continued " If you do ever decide that your two groups clash too much and can't work together, then you should know that you are always welcome here. We could always use more ambitious young adults. You all have potential which can turn into something great with the right guidance and training."

"Wait, are you asking us to join you?" Lynn's expression matched the surprised ones of the rest of the group. 

" Yes. But of course the choice is yours." She answered

" I think we're just fine. Thank you for the information about what Tris and her friends are. I think we should get going now." I spoke up giving her a polite nod. 

" Suit your selves but, just know that the offer still stands if any of you have a change of heart." And with that we left.  

~~~~ End of flashback ~~~~

Tris POV:

Tension. It's been building up between the pack and the the alpha pack.  It's been a while since we last met up but we know that they're watching. I can't help but feel a bit uneasy.  

As I walk out of school into the parking lot along side Scott and Lydia we are suddenly stopped by none other than Ethan himself.  

" Scott. Can I speak to you in private for a moment?" He looked at Scott expectantly. 

"Alright." Scott replied. He looked to Lydia and I giving us a reassuring look. I hadn't noticed how tense I was till they started to walk away. 

" What do you think that might be about?" Lydia said lowly next to me. Across the lot the pack and the gang stood together watching everything that just happened. 

" I don't know. But I have a feeling something bad's going to happen sooner rather than later." I watched saw Scott and Ethan walked away to discuss who knows what. I silently prayed in my head I was wrong about what I was feeling. That I was just being paranoid. Or I was just stressed and not thinking straight. Deep down inside I knew I was just kidding myself.

**Important AN:Hey guys, i'm not dead! I haven't been updating for a long time and for that I apologize. I'm going to try to have another chapter up by sometime tomorrow. I would just like to thank you all for the support it really does mean a lot! I promise that I will try updating more. Maybe at least once a week. Again thank you all for the support and I love hearing you guys are still interested in the story! Please don't forget to Vote, Share, and Comment. Be Brave Initiates!

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