Chapter 14

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Tris POV: 

Derek looks at me straight in the eyes. His eyes stay on me not looking any where else when he answers. 

"Victoria Argent." He lets out a breath. My eyes widen. If we weren't already at war with the hunters than we sure as hell are now. Victoria Argent is Chris Argent's wife, who's Alison's father, that means she's Alison's mother. When Alison finds out she'll have a vendetta against not only Derek but his pack as well. Alison was our inside person who told us if the hunters would attack. 

"Derek, please tell me your lying. Please. You know better than this. You practically just put a target on your back and your packs." I say trying my best to keep my voice down so I don't wake Scott. 

" I had to save Scott she kidnapped him and put him in a room with wolf's bane. She was suffocating him, Tris. He couldn't breath. I'm sorry things escalated and I lost track of what I was doing but I was focused on getting Scott." He snapped back at me. 

" Well sorry isn't  going to patch things up with the hunters, if not you made things worse. There going to use this as an excuse to kill you and your pack. So don't come to me and start saying sorry because that does nothing." My words are spit out like venom. 

To be honest I think I had enough tonight. Tonight didn't go as planed.We lost the Kanima, the gang came, Scott was kidnapped, and on top of everything that could possibly go wrong Derek bit Victoria Argent. 

After everyone left and Derek went to his room up stairs to sleep,I called Scott's mom telling her that he was staying the night here. I sat in the one person seat next to Scott since after what happened tonight I didn't want to leave him by himself. 

I fear for my brother's life and for those who are in his pack. But I also fear for my pack and our lives as well. The gang shouldn't be here right now not with everything that's happening, really they shouldn't be here at all. I fall asleep thinking of how Alison will react to all of this. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Time Laps~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Scott POV: 

I wake up to Tris quietly sleeping next to me in the other seat next to me. The memories from the night before come flooding back to mind. Derek bit Alison's mother. And after Derek took me here and I fell asleep on the couch. I can only assume Derek told Tris and the others. 

Tris's eyes open revealing her striking blue-grey eyes that you could just get lost into. 

"Good morning." She smiles up at me. 

" Morning."  I say and with that we get up to go the kitchen to get some breakfast.

  After breakfast we decide to meet up with the pack later. Before I leave to go home and change I give Tris a quick kiss goodbye. 

" I love you." She says when pull apart.

" I love you more. " 

" Impossible." 

" Anythings possible." After I say that I give her one last kiss before I leave.  

AN: Hey guys. Please don't forget to Vote, Comment, and Share. Be Brave Initiates!

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