Chapter 3

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 Four POV: 

Were in the living room right now and Uriah just asked Tris if she is going to be in the gang. I hope she says yes. 

Well we all do of course you idiot.  

Wait, what  who said that. 

Hi i'm your conscience, its taken you long enough to notice. I help you decide right from wrong.   

Well you don't have to be so rude. 

And you don't have to be such a pain but I guess were stuck with each other. So deal with it.  

"I'm in."Tris says. we all erupt in cheers. By the time it 9:00 at night we got to know Tris better by playing truth or dare. 

" Hey guys why don't you stay the night since it's pretty late." Uriah says. With that we all get our phones out to and call our parents to let them know.       

I'm thinking of asking Tris out. She really cool and come on look at her she's beautiful. 

What, no don't do that. Don't you notice that she didn't like it when people asked her about her past life. If your going to be in a relationship with her you two need to be honest with each other. So before you ask her to be your girlfriend you should make her feel like she could be comfortable talking to you about these things. This way not only will she be honest with you, you'll be a good boyfriend that's understanding and honest. 

Wow that's a good idea ,thanks conscience or... whatever you are . 

No problem , it's what I do. 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time laps~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Still Four's POV: 

So it's been two months and Tris and I have gotten really close.I'm starting to think that she actually likes me too. She vary open with not just me but also the gang....but yet she isn't. She never talks about her past, her family,her friends, not even what part of California she comes from. She always seems tense when that stuff comes up. But when it comes to what her favorite color is or favorite animal or something simple like that she is totally fine.I don't get, it she can tell us anything.Yet she can't answer those questions. She must be hiding some thing. Well whatever it is she'll have to tell us some time soon. No one can keep a secret for that long....can they?  

Today's the day that I finally ask Tris out and i'm feeling pretty confident. 

"Hey Tris can I talk to you for a sec." I say ask I stand in the door way of her room. She looks up at me with her beautiful blue-gray eyes. 

"Ya sure, come in."She says sweetly. As I walk in she pulls out her desk chair for me to sit in. I take a deep breath as I sit down, bracing myself for what i'm about to do and what she might say. She looks at me intently. 

" Tris I wanted to ask you if you would like to go out on a date with me say tonight?" I say not taking my eyes off of her. A grin goes on her face.

" It's about time you asked me out. I was afraid I was going to have to be the one that makes the first move." She says with a slight laugh which makes me laugh too. 

"Well i'm sorry I was not aware of your schedule." I reply jokingly. This continues for a while but then I notice we should be getting ready for our date so I leave while telling her ill pick her up at 7:00.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Time Laps ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 

Right now i'm waiting by the door for Tris to come down. Soon I hear light foot steps coming down the stairs. I look up and see Tris wearing a black dress that's mid thigh and some tan flats. 

" You look incredible." I tell her obviously taken back by her beauty.
"Thank you." She blushes while looking down. 

"Okay you two. I want her back by 9:00 you got me?" Uriah asks me. I simply nod. 

" I'm trusting you with my sister four. No screwing this up." Zeke says sternly being the over protective brother he is just like Uriah is. 

"We get it you two. There's nothing to worry about. We'll be fine." Tris comes in to the conversation pulling me towards the door. We exit the house and started walking towards my truck. 

"Be safe!" We hear the guys call behind us. I chuckle as Tris rolls her eyes.

We finally arrive at the place I wanted to show Tris after dinner. It's a river with an old bridge that I guess people forgot about.It has great big blossom trees all around so I thought it would be the perfect place to bring Tris after we ate.

"Okay you can open them now." I say watching her closely waiting for her reaction.

"It's....amazing."She breaths out the words. I smile and we sit down on the bridge with our legs hanging off the side. 

"Tris.... my real name is Tobias Eaton. I came up with the name four because my father used to beat me but he's in prison now."I look at her expecting to see pity but I don't 

"I'm okay with that. Do you want me to still call you four?" 

"Only in front of other people and when its just us you can call me Tobias."  We talked for what seemed like an hour. It was now dark and it was 8:45. 

"We should get going or else Zeke and Uriah will bite my head off for not getting you home on time." I get up giving her my hand. She smiles and gratefully takes it. Once we get to her house we don't go in just yet so we stand on the porch. 

"I had a grate time, thank you." She says. 

"Oh, no need to thank me just knowing that you had a good time and enjoyed yourself is good enough for me. Uh Tris can I ask you something?" I say covering up my nervousness.


"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" 

"I would love to."She says beaming. 

"Wait, really?"

"Yes really." I'm so overjoyed i don't even think of what i'm doing. I kiss her and to my surprise she kisses back. Right now I feel like the luckiest man in the world. The door swings open and we immediately separate. There in the door way stand Zeke and Uriah. They usher Tris inside while Uriah says 

"It's 9:00 so that means dates over love birds."

"Good job man you got her home on time. And did she say yes?"Zeke asks. all I do is nod since i'm still not over the kiss. 

Tris POV: 

I get to my room and close the door and lean against it smiling at myself like an idiot. He kissed me that actually just happened. My smile soon fades into realization. What am I going to do? I can't just keep this a secret from everyone forever. And the fact i'm a werewolf adds more to the lie. And when I tell them they'll be scared of me for being a werewolf and they will be mad about the other secret I've been keeping from them. 

In truth I shouldn't have gotten attached. In truth I should have let them be. I really screwed up since that other secret I mentioned before is that i'm not staying. This is really just temporary. The only reason i'm in foster care is because my sister Laura is dead and my brother Derek can't adopt me yet since the cops are on his back about my sister's death.My legal guardian would be Derek but they suspect he has something to do with her death. And I can't be by myself since i'm 16 and my uncle Peter is still in the hospital from the fire that killed my family. Derek has always had his reputation of being secretive and shifty to other people.So he can't adopt me, not yet at least. Derek didn't have anything to do with it. The only survivors from the fire were me, Derek,Peter who got half his body burned and can't move or talk now,and Laura who's dead.They call that fire the Hale family fire or the Hale fire for short. It's only a matter of time till  i'm back in Beacon Hills with Derek and the rest of my pack leading along side Scott as the true alphas we are. I'd give it 1 or 2 more weeks until I go back. 

How am I going to tell them? My best friend Christina, my boyfriend Tobias, my foster brothers,and the gang. I don't know but I guess i'll have to sort it out when the time comes. 

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