N i n e t e e n

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"[Name]! Slow down!" You heard Erza shout. You disobeyed, ignoring her shouts, and continued running up the path that was going up the mountain. You stopped, your sandals [Natsu's Sandal's] sliding a bit, making little pebbles of rocks to fall down the mountain.

" A large gap. . .the dark guild probably did this on purpose," you muttered and heard a few footsteps behind you. BONK! You slightly flinched, but didn't dare to turn around.

"I shouted after you so many times! How dare you disobey me?" Erza commanded sternly, while Natsu moaned in pain.

"I dont have to obey you, Erza. You are not my mother," you seethed, nearly shocking Erza and Natsu. You felt her armored hand grasp your arm tightly.

"No matter what, we have to stay together. You know that already [Name]. . ." You let your gaze stay on the huge gap that kept you away from the other side. I just have to get my body back fast! Thats my mission right now, You thought and yanked your arm from Erza's hand.

"I just need my body back. We better hurry or they'll do something horrible to Lucy." You crouched down and concentrated on getting to the other side. You sprinted quickly and jumped until. . .

"EPIC FAIIILLL!" Natsu screamed. You gasped and lost your concentration and fell. "WAIT! [NAME]!" The stupid pyro called. You looked up and growled.


Of course, Erza came to the rescue by quipping into her Black Wing Armor. You stayed quiet and glared at Natsu [well. . .yourself xD] and waited for Erza to grab you and fly you back up to beat up that stupid pyro. After the red head brought you back up, you literally punched him repeatedly, also bringing pain to yourself, but you ignored it. "GOMEN!" He cried and you stopped, standing up. A sigh escaped your lips.

"I'M still wondering why did I have to switch bodies with this bloody idiot," you muttered and crouched again. "Natsu, if you dare yell out another word. I'll literally kill you." Natsu turned white at the evil aura around you and nodded rapidly.

Just as you were about to jump, Erza stopped you. "I'll take you guys to the other side. Its better than jumping to the other side." Everyone else nodded in agreement while you huffed and nodded. Erza first took Wendy to the other side then you and the other boys.

"Erza, we'll have to leave to get Lucy, silently, so [Name] won't try to tag along," Gray whispered in her ear. Erza nodded and stared at your back.

"Okay, you guys leave while I distract her from looking your guys' way." Gray nodded and walked to Wendy and Rogue. Erza walked to your side and crossed her arms.

"What do you decide to do after this is over?" Erza questioned, walking along side with you. You huffed and ruffled the pink hair you had on your head.

"Absolutely kill the flame eating microwave baka," you said without hesitating and smiled innocently. Natsu twitched and hid behind Sting.

"Don't. Smile. Like. That. Ever. Again." He pushed Sting away and twitched a bit,trying to get his own innocent smile out of his mind.

You turned around and kept that innocent smile on your face, gladly wanting to annoy him. "You can never stop me," you said, keeping that smile on your face. Natsu decided to imitate you and did so. You swear you saw Sting blush a little. You shrugged and grinned a cheeky grin. "I look cute like that anyways."

Natsu rolled his eyes and blew a rasberry at you.

"We really need Lucy," you said. "We dont even know how to switch back our bodies." Natsu gasped and went on how neither of you guys knew how to switch your bodies. Jellal raised his hand up and looked at the tip of the mountain.

"I think i know. There were rumours that theres this bright light that can make everything back to normal. I'm pretty sure it can turn both of you guys back to normal," Jellal explained.

You scrunched your eyebrows together. "But, those are rumours."

"Rumors can be true. Now, we'll have to travel up this mountain to the top."

Everyones jaw dropped besides Erza's. "NANI?!" You, Sting, and Natsu simultaneously shrieked.

"Wait. . .wheres HAPPY?!" Natsu bellowed.

Switched?! [Natsu x Reader]Where stories live. Discover now