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You sighed and sat next to your friends/team. "Let's go on a job, aye!" Happy saluted. "Yea! Let's go!" yelled the fire dragon slayer. Erza, Lucy, and Gray sighed. "Fine." Lucy replied. Natsu ran off to grab a job then came back. "Here's the job!" He shouted in glee, sitting beside Wendy. You twitched in annoyance. "Okay, it says, to--" His eyes roamed the paper in confusion. --whaaa? I don't understand." He said and scratched his head. Happy grabbed it and smiled. "It says to arrest a Mage, that has been murdering innocent people." Happy read. You rolled your eyes. "Oh wow, a cat can read better than an idiot." You stated playfully.

Gray chuckled while Natsu growled. "Shut up you stupid bit**!" He yelled, which shocked you. Erza's eyes widened. Lucy gasped and covered her mouth. While you, stared at him hurt. You never were the one to curse at friends only if someone really makes you pissed. Gray glared at Natsu. "Natsu, you went too far." Wendy shook her head in dissapointment. You stood up and slammed the table and walked away from the guild, back home.

Everyone left to leave Nartsu to oerthink what he just did. Natsu frowned a little. 'Did I mean to call her that word.' He thought. Mirajane walked over to Natsu. "Natsu?" asked Mira. Natsu turned his head and looked at the blue eyed white haired girl. "Hmm?" He hummed.

Mira nudged his arm and smiled. "Go apologize, Natsu." He shrugged and twiddled with his fingers. "I-I don't know. . ." He whispered. Mira frowned. "Natsu, she'll give you a second chance. [Name] will forgive you." Mira explained. Natsu closed his eyes and exhaled. "I'll th-think about it. Arigato, Mira. . ." She nodded and went back to work.

You angrily stomped towards your little cottage house muttering bad things about Natsu. "Are you okay, aye?" Happy asked. You forced a smile on your face and nodded at Happy. "Yea, I'm okay, Happy." He nodded and flew inside your house, as you followed.

Natsu finally made his decision. 'I'll go apologize to her!' He thought and walked the direction to your cottage. A sigh escaped his mouth. "How did we become rivals in the first place?" He questioned out loud. His hands made way to his pockets, but instead he felt paper. "Oh, the job!" He took out the paper and analyzed it carefully. A breeze past by, and flew the paper away, landing on it's front showing it's back. But, there were bold letters in the back. He picked it up, confused and curious. So, he read it. "Rivals will always become lovers?" He read. He felt a bit droopy and collapsed in the darkness.

You sat on your bed looking out your window. Somehow, you felt a bit sleepy. You rubbed your eyes and yawned. Happy sat besides you and looked at you concerned. "Aye! [Name], are you okay?" He asked. You groaned and fell into darkness only hearing Happy's calls.

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