Chapter 0

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My victor home is silent, just the clinking of silverware as I awkwardly eat. Today I decide to pay my folks a visit. This year...was Cato's turn. He was going to the games. The games I hate. And I...I was ment to mentor him. Paul went back to 7 to help Joe prepare as a mentor this year's Hunger Games.

"I don't want you to go."

I look up shocked to my brother who is looking at me with his cold eyes. He didn't have much life to them anymore. They were cold. He was the perfect killer, just like I was.

"Cato, you know I am the youngest, I am the mentor this year."

"I don't want you to go."

I nod looking down at the half eaten porridge. I set my spoon down in my bowl and I stand up shocking my step mother making her flinch back. My mom died sometime while I was away at my games. No one told me what happened, she was just gone when I got back.

"I will talk to Ebinora."

"Kittera, no need to act like this. We were supportive during your games, you can do the same for your brother."

I looked at my father with narrowed eyes. I hated those games. I don't talk about my games. I still have nightmares, waking me up every moment of the day. I day dream, I am all of a sudden covered in blood. I close my eyes. I am woken by Paul as I am fighting against his grip. They, my family never understood that. They think of these games like everyone else in this district as an opportunity to become famous. They didn't know what these games actually did to someone.

"I didn't get a choice with my games. I lost one brother in those games, that shit you think is an honor! I don't want to lose another one, so if he wont listen to me, I might as well get someone he will listen to. Don't compare my situation to his, it is far from it. Mom would agree with me but she isn't here."

I walked away having my heals click across the hard floors. The weather was brisk and had a bite to it but not enough were I needed sleeves on my arms yet. I wore a simple black tank with small rips littered through the top. I had leather pants and black healed boots. My hair was in a high pony tail that fell to my lower back in shocking gold waves. My red lips brought out my vivid green eyes. When I exit my old childhood home, some of the keepers turned nodding in my direction while some turned in fear walking in the opposite direction. I may not be the 14 year old anymore but people still saw me as the monster I was in the games. If it wasn't for Paul, Finn, Jo, and Marie, I would still be lost. I would still be wake up every hour screaming at another night terror. I would have never returned to the school to help others survive the games. Unfortunately, none of our recent tributes have. The one that won year last year committed sucied soon after winning. I have failed all of them even the boy from the year prior. 14 kids sent in and all of them have been killed. This year, the victors of the district choose my brother and a girl a few years younger then him, Clove. Cato is only 16. 16! He isn't even at the oldest year yet! I knew he was the best in the academy but it...I didn't want him to go. Even if it meant I never got my brother back...I hate the games. Every year I stand there looking at the screen with tears running down my face. I am usually escorted out screaming and kicking ready to kill Snow the next time I visit him and his granddaughter. If it wasn't for my love for Marie I would have slit that snakes throat so many times by now, but it would hurt her. I couldn't do that to her. Clove is even younger, 14. She was quick and had a lot of wit. Thirsty for blood. Good with a knife like me, but her blood lust was going to get her killed. The other instructors encouraged her behavior. Cato's behavior and I was the only one to discourage it. I hated it. I hated every moment of it. I turned walking to the victor's village. The air was tense, filled with the smell of dust and woods. Burnt metal lingered here and there. The large entrance gate stood looming, haunted like to tell you that killers lived here. That is what I called myself. A monster. A killer. A murder. I even called Jo, Finn and Paul that when we would get in fights. Unfortunately we all knew it to be true. That is what the games do to you. We knew it, so did everyone we evver came in contact with. When I would talk to others, the fear always lingered in their eyes. My name may have faded from history, but my reputation did not. I walked down the center walkway until I came to the large house with a nice fence surrounding the yard. I could here giggles in the background which brought a smile to my face, then I frowned remembering why I was here. Why I had to be here. I took in a deep breath through my nose and walked to the door knocking on it twice. The door opened quickly. Ebinora had a smile on her face when she saw me. Her pointed teeth shined white until she saw my face and her smile slowly dropped. She was already shaking her head before I could even ask.

The Hunger Games: To Wath Them DieWhere stories live. Discover now