Chapter 29

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The tribute center was the same as always. Finn and Jo were on ground floor ready to greet us when we got back.

"Thank God, you two are back. I thought we were going to have to tell you more deaths that happened while you were cozy in your hospital beds."

I snort at Jo.

"Yeah hospital beds cozy, I want to know what hospitals you stayed at. Last I checked they are glorified bricks."

"But they do have warm blankets."

I brought my finger to the tip of my nose, signalling my agreement with Jo's statement.

"What is going on in the games?"

Paul was all business. Jo exchanged a look with Finn.

"They made a storm, a massive storm, you don't have shelter it is basically a death sentence. Katniss revieved a pretty bad wound from Clove before Thresh got ahold of her. Luckily Mitch was able to get ointment to the two and some bandages after the whole ordeal with the game maker feast that happened yesterday. Took a lot of strings to pull to get that one, let alone for all the tributes."

I furrowed my brows.

"No it wasn't it was a way to bring the tributes together, to get them to kill one another which that is exactley that happened."

Finn nodded.

"Mitch wanted to greet you but he is trying to work some strings to get a feast sent to the star crossed lovers."

I rose a brow.

"A full feast?"

Finn nodded.

"They havent been able to eat for about two days now due to the storm. You walk outside and you can't see anything in front of you. A tribute catches you especially a career, it is honestly a battle of skill. Your brother is on a haunt. He has been out in the wet and cold not caring. I think he is on a vengeance hunt."

My face softens.

"I wish I could say I am surprised. Is Enobaria or Brutus trying to get him sources, maybe a better jacket."

Finn shook his head.

"They want to..."

"But they haven't tried?"

I rose a brow waiting. Jo looked at Finn who was a loss for words.

"Mitch has been busy to say the least. He manage to turn the tides to get the citizens the sponsors to be rooting for the star crossed lovers. If he isn't in the viewing room, he is working on the citizens getting the two resources."

I felt shock hit my system. My brother was the favored tribute but a girl with a talent with a bow and boy that had a crush swayed the audience. I was torn. Am I rooting for my brother or maybe a new era. I knew the girl brought hope. Change maybe but...My brother was in there with her and I would be damned if I let him die. I nodded and turned making up my mind. I started crunching myself to the door. I saw the car still out side. I opened the door, knocked on the window. The driver reluctantly lowered the glass separating us.

"I need to go to the sponsor viewing. I have work to do."

The man nodded and put the window back up before stepping on the gas. Lucky for us the tribute center and the sponsor viewing were not far from one another. How else did they think we would get to them. The car stopped just outside. I looked at the crutches and threw them to the side.

"I will be back in a few."

I slid out of the vehicle. I tested wait on my leg, then I hobbled up the stairs. One thing about sponsors is impression is key and crutches were never a good first impression. As soon as I entered it was like every head in the building turned from the big screen to where the door was shutting behind me. I was quick to find Mitch with a group of men, laughing and talking. I nodded at him making sure he was aware that I was aware of what he has been up to. I looked at the screen that showed mutliple different views. Peeta and Katniss were curled up in a cave asleep. Probably trying to avoid the hunger pains they were feeling. Foxface was under a canopy of branches of leaves, using the ground warmth to cook some rodent she caught. Smart girl. Thrash was in the meadow when is where he normally stayed. He has the weat tied in a way to form a nice hut that the winds were threatening to tear down. My brother was making his way through the forest slashing at vines, branches, headed toward the stream that Peeta and Katniss were hiding and on the other side were Thrash was. I let out a sigh. Maybe I could help my brother out before he went killing 11. I knew that was his aim. He could care less about what 12 was doing at them monet and I doubt 5 was anywhere in his mind. I walked to a group of sponsors that were drinking wine and chatting about the tributes.

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