Chapter 24

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I sat at the dinning table eating some cereal when the doors to the elevators rang. I looked up to see Paul walked through.

"The careers recruited 3. Poor kid is scared out of his mind."

I took a bite from my cereal before responding.

"Good, he should be. He just signed his death sentence. He messes up, he is defensless against them. They know things that other tributes don't. Their only weaknesses are those that 12 had in strengths. And they just got the girl who can shoot a bow, a bow. So now she is their biggest threat. How is she?"

Paul looked appauled.

"You want to know about Katniss while your brother is in the games?"

I took another bite board.

"Cato is fine. He was stung a few times and has larger mass. Katniss is a twig and was stung more."

Paul ran a hand through his hair walking to the table taking the seat across from me.

"She is still out cold. They are moving the days faster. It doesn't seem anyone has noticed yet but it is already night."

I rose a brow.

"They were only up for maybe 6 hours."

Paul shrugged.

"6 hours feels like a life time in those games."

I nodded taking another bite of my cold cereal. Paul looked around the room.

"Where is Jo?"

I swallowed my food before looking up at my fianca.

"Went drinking with Finn. Said she needed to be wasted after the fuck show that happened earlier."

"She wasn't even in the room when the whole TrackerJacker thing."

I nodded.

"Yeah but she was watching the news cast with Flickerman. I guess they brought her games in to remind the audience what the insects were."

Paul nodded.

"Yeah she would need a drink after that. Tracker Jackers killer her district partner. They grew up working in the lumber trade together."

I let out a low whistle.

"So that is why she was so blunt about everything. There seems to be more I don't know than I previously thought. This trip is just full of surprises."

An Avox came in and placed an envelope in front of me. I let out a groan before ripping the seal and unfolding the letter.

Dear Miss Hadley,

You have been summoned to the white house by request of the Game Maker. It is said that you are knowledgeable at analyzing weakpoints of tributes and they are coming up with a plan to forward the games. Please arrive in promptly 1 hour. You may have Mr. Write accompany to the white house.


Senica Crane

I rolled my eyes and handed the letter to Paul. I watched his brows furrow.

"You already told the weaknesses you know. Why would they want your help again."

"I am guessing they are looking for a way to hit deep with the finally. A way to break whoever wins the whole thing."

Paul looked at me.

"Why wouldn't they invite me for something like a trap for the finally."

I rolled my eyes.

The Hunger Games: To Wath Them DieWhere stories live. Discover now