Chapter 14

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Cato came back looking over the materials on the outfit I gave him.

"It is heavy duty, enough to lock in heat but not enough to keep you warm during a heavy snowed in area. I would expect cold night, a warmer days. Tropical more then likely. Maybe a jungle or forest area meaning there will be a good water source. Food, you will have to hunt for or gather with plants, just be careful. Prettier they are the more deadly they can be."

Cato gave me a firm nod. I could tell he was putting on a brave face for me. I smiled at him and pulled him in for another hug.

"Stay alive and..."

I reached up locking his tags around his neck.

"...remember who you are."

He looked down at the dog tags and a sigh of relief escaped his lips.

"Thank you."

I smiled.

"Keep it hidden."

30 Seconds.

Cato's eyes widened as he looked at the glass pod then back at me.

"You will be ok. I will be watching."

Tears pulled in his eyes.

"I am scared."

I gave him a sad smile.

"I was too. It is what makes us human. If you weren't scared I would be worried."

He wrapped my arms around him and pulled away bring his head down so I could kiss the top of his head like I would when we were younger.

"I need to say this before I go..."

I let go and look waiting.

"I am sorry. For..."

"I know, I always knew. I understand."

20 Seconds.

"I love you Cato, but you have to go."

He swallowed and walked to the pod. He looked at the glass pod and stepped in.

10 Seconds.

The door slid behind him. He turned to me, panic clear in his expression.

"I love you too."

A tear escaped my eye.

"Stay alive."

He gave me a firm nod before he hardened his expression and turned away from me a completely different person as the pod began to raise. Lord help them now. I wiped the tear from my face, straightened my back and approached the metal door. I heard a hiss then a click as the door opened. I found Paul waiting along with Mitch and Finn. I stepped out of the room, a shadow of defeat looming over me.

"He will be ok."

I looked at Finn.

"I know."

"We need to go to the viewing area."

I gulped.

"I know."

Paul reached forward and handed me an envelope with the blue capital seal stamped on it. I felt my shoulder's sag as I took the envelope.

"The keeper handed it to me when I stepped out said it was for you. I was welcome to join, but it was your order."

I lick my lips and nod. Pual placed a hand at the small of my back as Mitch and Finn lead us out of the maze. I turned the envelope over so I could open it. In the normal press form and loopy writing with the seal of the president located at the bottom deciding for me. I read the letter over and over again hoping I read it wrong but I knew I didn't.

The Hunger Games: To Wath Them DieWhere stories live. Discover now