Chapter 30

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The tribute center was dark when I arrived. It was still mid day but it was like my moods was the same as the storm going on in the games right now. I used the crushes as I walked in the center. Paul was slouched against a wall arms crossed. He saw my slumpped shoulders and frowned face.

"No luck?"

I shook my head at him. He approached me as I dropped the cruches holding him. A sob ripped through me.

"I can't...I can't loose him. I am loosing him."

He pet my hair as he held me, Placing his arms under me taking my weight as my legs buckled usnder the emotional tidal wave that hit me. More tears fell down my face.

"He is going to die... I am going to loose him."

Paul placed his chin on top of my head.

"He isn't gone yet."

I let out a hiccup as another sob took over me.

"I lost him years ago. I was just hoping to get my Cato back."

My legs fully cave and Paul took me in his arms letting the crushed crash to the floor. My sobs echoed around me. I could feel the sobs rip through my body as reality hit. Then a dreadful ring echoed and Jo's hurried steps could be heard.

"The finally is starting."

My sobs stopped and I looked at Jo with wide eyes.


Jo's eyes softened.

"Just go to the viewing room, Brutus, Enobaria, and 5 are already there."

Paul let out a sigh.


He didn't wait for my input as he just carried me to the elevator hitting the button for the viewing floor. Jo joined us. She looked at me worried. I just curled into my finance more hating the feeling of stares on me. The viewing room as always was dark. Paul took us over by two sitting me next to my mentor and mother figure. Jo and Paul took the seats next to me. Paul took my hand as my eyes were glued to the screen. Katniss and Peeta where staring down at Foxface who had nightlock in her hand and was very much dead. 5's mentors had tears down their face as they lost their last tribute of these games. The girl from 5, Dianna came over putting her hand on my shoulder giving it a squeeze before leaving the room with her partner mentor. I watched my brother's screens a howl echoed and I felt the blood drain from my face as a familar mut started running as my brother. It jumped at him making a scream rip through his throat as it bit down on his arm. He brought his sword up killing the the boy but the blonde red fur and sea green eyes was no doubt the tribute from 4 in dog form. And the look of fear, shock and guilt that crossed my brother's face ment he recognized it too. Mor howls popped up as the wheat in which my brother stood in the middle of started to shift. Barks followed and then more dogs. Lots of dogs. To be exact, the same amount of dogs as the tributes that have been killed during the games.


My voice echoed around us. As if my brother heard me, he turn tailed and ran. The sky quickly darkened as he sprinted with dogs chasing him. He made sure to find narrow paths taking quick turns and jumping over obstacles to slow down the muts once he reached the forest. He avoided the river all together and the slippery surface. He broke through one of the trails running into district 12, the look of horror on their faces but then confusion when he ran right past them blade discarded. The two teen's eyes widened when they saw the muts tracking my brother and they were following him back to the cornucopia. My good leg started bouncing and I kept whispering to my self.

"Run, run Cato."

I saw the dogs yipping at the star crossed lovers heal as my brother reached the cornucopia scaling the side. Peeta went first after him yanking Katniss up after him. Peeta had a few scratches and his leg was still not in the best shape. Each tribute had their injuries. My brother's arm was bleeding heavily but he still went grabbing the district 12 boy placing him in a head mark. Katniss pulled out her bow aiming at my brother.

"You know you can't shoot me without hiting lover boy."

Katniss narrowed her aim at his word. Cato made a tisking wound turning peeta's head.

"One more. I can do one more but I've been dead, haven't I? I didn't realize until right now."

I felt tears fall from my eyes as I watched the girl on fire release the arrow striking my brother in his hand making him loose his grip on Peeta. He stumbled then Peeta used his last bit of strength to throw my brother off the cornucopia to the hungry pack of muts. My brother's screams filled the room as the muts tore at him. I watched as they jumped ripping at his skin. I felt arms wrap around me as I let out a blood curdingly scream.


The two from 12 watched my brother as he was mauled listening to his screams for minutes after he fell. Then Katniss drew out an arrow and released it ending my brother's life. Then the sun started to rise. Red was all I could see as the lost of my brother hit me. I realed my head back hitting who ever was holding me in the nose. I threw my cruch at my brother's black screen. I felt another pair of arms wrap around me. I kicked back my bad leg feeling the wrip of my skin as I reopen the wound. The chair behind me sailed into the persons shins making them stumble back. I turned around seeing a peace keeper that was trying to calm me. Red consumed me. THe other victors were on the outskirts of the room watching as I took my crush and use it to cave in the keepers head. ANother one came at me, I reached up snapping his neck. Two came at me at once. I dropped letting them run into each other before using the metal of the cruch to beat them senseless. Two more grabbed me as another injected me with a nock out serum.

"You killed my brother! You did this! No! You...You...You..."

I felt myself grow drowsy as more tears fell down my face.


A hiccup left me as more reality hit me. I fought against the syrum but my eyes were fluttering. I looked at the peace keeper on my right holding my slowly growing limp body.

"One day...You will all burn...and I am going to laugh when it happens."

Then my head grew heavy as I let it fall letting my brother's last moments echo in my brain. The last goodbye. Knowing I will neve know what he wanted to tell me before he went into the games. Knowing I will never see his blue eyes brighten up again when he laughs. Knowing I lost my brother today, years ago when the games consumed him. Knowing the consequences I will have to face for killing more keepers but I had no regreats. If I could I would cry but darkness and numbness is all I had. All I had was the vision of my brother being pushed from the cornucopia and the two from 12 letting him be ripped appart before giving him mercy. I know the muts were towying with him just as he did with his other kills. His last works realizing he was dead, the toll his games were having on him. Those words were my brother coming back. My brother, the Cato I know was there and he was there as he fell off the cornucopia to have his screams echo around me. To be gripped into my brain until the nightmares stopped.

Deaths in chapter

District 2 Male

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