Chapter 4

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"Leave me alone I don't want to get up yet."

I heard Paul's chuckle and then water was splashed on me. I sat up and glared at Jo who held the bucket of water. Paul was holding his stomach laughing. I let out a growl and tackled Jo getting the bucket out of her hand.

"One night! One night I have no nightmares and you wake me with water!"

I roll on the ground mad at my friend. She manages to get a few hits in before I am hauled away wil Paul holding me. I twist in his arms.

"And know how much I despise being woken up."

"I also know how much you hate not knowing when you get letters from Marie and you got a letter."

I glare at him, before the two tributes from 7 come around the open door, letter with the capital seal and my name written in messy cursive writting. I stop fighting befor I am let down. I stalk foward and take the letter from the shaking boys hand. Jo is on her feet whipping blood from her nose. I do the same on my bare arm.

"You need to work on your left hook Jo, your right is still good though."

"Yeah, yours still stings like a bitch."

I smile knowingly.

"Glad I could remind you."

We smile at each other before bursting out laughing.

"We need to spar soon."

"We do. Hey maybe in a few day when things die down we can go to the training room for a few rounds. Drag the boys with us, see if they can still keep up."

I start running my finger under the seal to break it. I bump Pual's arm grabbing his attention.

"I don't know if the old man can keep up."

Jo laughs.

"That old man, so happens to be standing here, and that old man can also kick you two brat's butt."

I smile over at Pual as I start to remove the neatly folded letter.

"You wish baby, you and I both know that I have the advantage here."

I look down at the letter, my smile falling. I read over Snow's writing and then Marie's portion. I sit down on the bed obviously defeated. I felt the bed dip next to me.

"What is wrong, doll?"

I look over at Pual.

"Maire is sick, she said she is fine, but due to her illness, she wont be aloud to have visitors outside of family until she is better."

I felt Paul wrap an arm around me.

"Oh I am sorry Kit, I know you look forward to your visits with her, did they mention what she had?"

I nod folding the paper back up.

"Nemonia, guess she is having problems breathing so she is on watch with lots of tubes, They just don't want to risk any outside germs I guess."

Paul gave me a side squeeze.

"She is a fighter she will be ok. Why don't you write her a letter, let her knew you are thinking of her. We can have one of the Avoxes deliver it later, for now, you two..."

Paul switched his guise to the two tributes in training gear.

"...need to head down to training. Day one. Make sure you listen to the instructors, they will help you with your learning. And remember stay away from the careers."

The two teens nod before walking out of the room to what I hope is the elevator. I look at Jo who is looking at me with concern.

"Those two are not going to listen to us. I have a feeling they are ignoring everything we have been telling them."

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