Chapter 11

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Interview after Interview, more and more mentors left including Paul and Jo who had to go give their tributes a pep talk after their interviews. Don't get me wrong they did well but no interview is perfect. None of them. Even one and two make mistakes. All was left was 11 and 12. Mitch moved over along with Seeder and Chaff.

"Now for our youngest tribute, Rue!"

The crowd put their hands together as the little girl came across the stage. The citizens watched her in awe as she went across the stage in a blue dress with angle wings that wrapped around her sown into the material. I was in awe of the little girl. I smiled at the sight, she looked like an angle and it was evident that the crowd thought so too.

"Hello Rue, how are you liking the capital."

The little girl smiled at the question.

"It is different, a good different then home. I miss home and the animals but I do like the food here."

The crowd awed. I watched her with a smile as she fiddled with her hands nervously.

"How are you feeling about the games? You didn't have a bad score.

"I wouldn't count me out. I'm fast. If they can't catch me, they can't kill me. So don't count me out."

Ceasar smiled at her comment.

"I heard you were a decent shot with a sling shot, so are you a hunter and gather?"

She twiddled her thumbs.

"I can shoot if needed but I am much better at gathering. I spent a lot of my time at home gathering ."

Caesar reached forward grabbing the little girls hand.

"Well Rue, we wish you all the luck. We will be cheering for you."

The crowd erupted into applous as the two stood up.

"Lets hear it for Rue!"

I whooped for the little girl as she walked off stage smile on her face and a cute wave as she went. I turned to Seeder with a smile.

"If you need help finding sponsors for her, let me know. I will do what I can, weather I have to pull strings with Snow. I will do it."

Seeder smiled and gave me a confident nod. She put a hand on Chaff.

"I will meet you in the waiting room with Rue when Thresh is done."

The boy was just walking on the stage with deafening round of applause. He was huge, tall built of muscle. He wore a silver suit with a black shirt and black pants. He had a grim look and he kept his focus straight.

"Thresh, how are you, enjoying the capital."


I smiled as Ceasar waited for more. He smiled at the teen before turning to the crowd.

"We have a shy one folks. So Thresh, do you approved of your score?"


Caesar once again paused for a moment.

"Are you ready for the games?"


Chaff took in a breath and I reached around Mitch taking his hand. I gave it a squeeze.

"He is a good kid he will be fine with sponsors. He has strength and size on his side, Don't worry too much."

The man gave me a thankful nod and smile and got up from his seat letting go of my hand. I turned to Mitch.

The Hunger Games: To Wath Them DieOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant