Chapter 27

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Paul woke a few hours after my break down. He stired with a deep breath and a whisper of my name. I unfortunately was asleep and the nurses had to hold him down as he saw my disheveled form on the hospital bed, sound asleep. Tear stains apparent. Cuts bleeding from my constant tossing and turning. It could not look good. Luckily the yelp of one of the nurses being slashed with the syringe they were planning on using on him woke me. I looked over at the fighting figure that had a crazed look in his blue eyes. A look I was unfamiliar with. A look I know he probably wore during his games. In his mind he was in the games.


He froze and looked over at me where I lay looking over at him. Still on my side but awake, alive which is what he needed to see. He dropped his arm. Let go of the nurses. His heart rate went down. He looked at me. He looked over the bloodied goz around my leg and arm. His eyes held a broken spirit. He then sat back and just cried. I have seen Paul cry many times but not like this. He sobbed hiccuping between each sob that shook his body. I have no idea what was going on through his head but I knew it wasn't good. And there was little to nothing I could do. I strained pushing myself up feeling all the pain my body was in now the pain killers were out of my system. I winced at the tug on my leg where I am sure the stitches were ripped but I managed to move myself over to Paul's bed and bring him in my arms. The nurses still stood there unsure what to do as the grown man that was just fighting them was sobbing in my arms. I nodded to the door and the two women left. I started stroking his hair as my other arm was wrapped around him, holding him. Confirming I was here. I was alive and we would be alright. When his sobs quieted and kept my arms around the 24 year old. I kissed the top of his head.

"Marvel, Rue and the boy from 3 were all killed while we were out. They switched the rules that two victors of the same district could win."

Paul looked up. He didn't say anything before he put his head back down.

"I am sorry."

His voice was horse and he sounded tired.

"Don't be sorry, nothing that has happened is your fault. Snow, the capital is at fault for this."

Paul stayed silent reflecting on what I said.

"Doing nothing as you were attacked by a dog is."

I kept running my fingers through his hair.

"You were drugged. I was drugged. That was all Snow. May not him directly but one of his workers did that. One of his workers I am sure will be dead by the end of these games all due to his own stupidity. Don't worry, a letter has already been sent to Snow. I gave a few ideas to make sure Crane is removed from duity."

Paul looked up at me.

"I don't like how cold your voice sounds."

I kept playing with his hair as he relaxed.

"Crane played with death, the Reaper is not happy and the Reaper will be coming to finish the job. One way or another that man will be killed in a way that will make him suffer just as he made those kids suffer. Just as he made you suffer. And in a way to remind him not to mess with things he underestimates because those you underestimate are the most deadly thing to bite back."

Paul let out a sigh.

"Still doesn't change that I don't like your voice when it is cold. It isn't you."

I looked down at Paul. His blue eyes were blood shot and tears were still running down his face. He had a few bruises on his cheek bones from where he was probably punched unconscious. I smile a bit to myself.

"I know."

He smiles back at me.

"Sorry you had to see me like that just then."

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