Chapter 9

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"Please tell me they didn't start yet."

I immediately kicked off the heals on my feet as I drag my tired feet across the carpeted floor. Ebinora smiled at me while Cato sat laughing.

"Chill out, Kittera, they scores don't come out for another 15 minutes."

Just then the tv went off and Ceaser Flickerman took the screen. I rose a brow at my brother.

"Another 15 minutes you say?"

I took a seat next to my brother.

Good evening everyone. My name is Ceaser Flickerman and I will be your host for the evening. After testing each tribute is scored from 1-12 based on their performance for survival. To start off we go to district 1 with Marvel with a score of 9. Glimmer with a score of 9. Two strong scores to start the night out.

I look over at Ebinora and Brutus and nod.

"So they took my advice and fixed their issues I take it?"

Brutus nodded.

"Eggerly too."

I smile and look over at the kids on the coach.

"Told you I know what I am talking about."

Cato smirked.

"Shhh, you are going to miss it."

District 2, Cato...with a score of...

I leaned forward watching the photo of my brother shift. I could practically feel everyone holding their breath.

With a score of 10. Clove, with a score of 10.

"Yes! Haha!"

I was up and had my arms wrapped around the two before anyone could say no. I heard the room erupt in cheers with me. Cato was quick to laugh and wrap his arms around me while Clove shifted to getting hugs from her other mentors.

"I told you I would make you proud."

I squeezed my brother tighter.

"You always make me proud."

I felt him squeeze me tighter as well and nuzzle his head into the crook of my neck.

"Thanks for still coming after I told you not to...I need you."

I smiled holding him tighter.

"I am not going anywhere."

District 4 Wave with a score of 10.

I let go of Cato and looked at the screen shocked. I looked at Ebinora who wore the same expression. I shrugged and looked at my brother.

"Finn said she was good with a knife...just not the brightest and not keen on listening."

Cato looked at me.

"Then should be an easy kill."

I glared at him. Then looked over at Clove.

"You two can think kills will come easy but the more kills you have on your hands the more you will be haunted later. Remember that when you go blood thirsty."

The two exchanged a look before giving me a nod. Cato grabbed my hand comfortably before dragging me back down on the coach to watch the rest of the scoring.

District 7 Pine with a score of 7. Clover with a score of 9. District 8 Bennjamin...with a score of 10. Cider with a score 8.

I looked over at Ebinora confused.

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