Chapter 5

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The ride to the 7th floor was not my finest moments. Nor was the full breakdown I had when we reached the floor. Let's just say I ended up asleep for the next 4 hours of the day. Oops.

"You think we can go back to the viewing room?"

My back was to Paul but I knew he knew I was awake to answer.

"Will I get looks of pity from the other victors?"

"I doubt it, but I can't say for sure. They all understand. They also know this is a hard year for you."

I scuff.

"Why, because my monster of a brother is being sent into the games? You know what the worse part is?"

I turn over so I can stare at the ceiling.

"A part of me wants him to win, the other part of me...the other part of me already knows that Cato is gone. He was gone when I returned after my games. He is already dead so why should I hope for his return and not a 12 year old girl or the girl who is fighting to return to her little sister?"

Paul let out a sigh.

"Changed or not, Cato is still your brother, the boy you grew up with. Of course you re going to want him to return. It makes you human."

I scuff.

"A messed up one with an identity crisis."

Paul smiles.

"But you are my identity crisis."

I smile and finally look up at him.

"I get one look of pity and I am punching someone."

His smile widens.

"Fair and the others are well aware of that I believe so anyways. I will warn them just in case."

I shake my head.

"Knowing Ebinora, you won't have to."

I sit up and stretch my arms above me. I feel Paul reach around me and takes the band out that was holding my braid in. He started running his finger through the sorted locks, untangling them in loos waves. I closed my eyes leaning in the feeling. Once he finished he helped me out of the bed and to my feet. He straightened my dress and smiled at me.


I smile and take his hand as he leads me out of the room. Jo sat on the coch. She looks over at us at the sound of our foot steps.


I nod and she stands up.

"Good, I was starting to get stir crazy, I had to leave as Finn was driving me nuts and Haymitch was just feeding his actions."

I laugh and shake my head hitting the elevator button.

"You love those two and you know it."

She puts on a fake smile.

"I only love them when you two are around the buffer some of their comments."

I snort and shake my head.

"You became friends with Finn faster then I did."

She smiles at me and sent me a wink.

"I know I did."

We enter the elevator, goosebumps break out on my arms. Noticing it Paul pulled me closer to him. The doors opened to viewing room where the groups seemed to be huddled watching out one particular window. I exchange confused looks with the others.

The Hunger Games: To Wath Them DieWhere stories live. Discover now