Chapter 13

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Paul grabbed my hands leading me out to the overly large building. It still amazed me to see the wide dome and flat roof that stretched for miles no end. It was quite remarkable. I looked at it leaving a chill running down my spine as memories of my games. Being stucked in an endless arena with weapons, hunger and a need to survive. I felt Paul pull me closer.

"Stick near me, I will help you find the basement. My room will be before yours. The arrangement will be a bit weird. The game makers have a thing for rigging setting to make the cornucopia more tempting for some and harder to reach for others."

I snort.

"Of course they do. I remember very well that the cornucopia is not one that is...easy to reach. They stagger those they think will die quickest closest and those that are trained further making it easier for us to kill those in our way."

Paul let out a long sigh.

"Of course you know that."

I look up at him shocked.

"What is that supposed to mean?"

Paul looked at me with an amused smirk on his face.

"Nothing honey. It means you understand these games more then you should. Now come, or we are going to loose the crowd and trust me you don't want to loose the crowd."

We picked up our pace, trailing behind the group as we reached the large sliding door. The white and grey and plain concrete floors greeted us. There was nothing flashy about the arena center which would make sense. All the money went to the kill area not the launch rooms. It was meant to be plain. I remember being intimidated as exposed pipes and plain colors only showed compared to the flashiness from the tribute center. It was like an acknowledgment that they put all the money where we would be trapped. We reached a hall of concrete stairs with minimum lighting. More peacekeepers surrounded the area making it more nerve wracking. I could feel my hands turn clammy and the shivers that erupted over my body. I felt Paul move his hand to take mine and my other hand being filled. I look over finding Finn giving me an encouraging smile. I smile at him.

"When did you choose to be nice?"

He chuckled lightly as we approached the lingering hall with rooms that we would sen the tributes to the death trap area.

"I just don't need you killing more peace keepers today."

I smile at him.


We reached the hall of metal doors and little to no light. Peace keepers stood on either side of every door. More waited at the bottom of the stairs making me shocked to see the army of white.

"What is all this?"

Finn sighed releasing my hand.

"Reinforcment due to Jo's games. One of the male tributes fought back and well, he almost escapped the games before they started. Now peacekeepers line the area so no run aways can get far. And they can walk each tribute to their rooms making it less likely for them to run. Also the doors open but lock behind us so once you enter, they don't unlock until the tributes are in the pods."

I let out a irritated sigh.

"That is just wonderful."

"You will be fine Kit, your brother will be happy to see you. If he says otherwise he is lying to himself and you. Don't let him do that. He will regret it for the rest of his life."

I nodd, as Finn separates entering the room with a large 4 printed in black on the door. Like he said the door slid open but when it closed you could hear the seal re- entering. Like Paul said the numbers were not in order. I felt a squeeze on my other hand. I look up at Paul scared. He gave me a forced smile.

"You know he is right. Don't let your brother say things he will regret. Don't talk like he is going to die, but don't let him leave with you two being angry at one another. You will regret it. He will regret it."

Before I could respond, Paul kissed the top of my head before entering his assigned room. I trailed behind Mitch until we came to our rooms. We looked at each other and I shook my head.

"These two better not be next to each other, or I am going to kill someone."

Mitch smiled.

"I doubt they would put these two next to each other. They just went to confuse everyone. They tear the numbers down after we enter."

I look at the big numbers.

"Those are some big magnets."

Mitch smirked.

"See on the other side kid."

We looked at the daunting rooms and stepped forward. The room like the hall was simple. White tiled walls, concrete floor, bright lights. A rack with their uniform and metal table. I pulled a necklace with dogtags on it and place it on the table. Sign from home. Cato always wanted to be a peacekeeper. Try to bring something different to the way we are treated in the districts. Maybe give a familiar face for the citizens. He finished his courses, which earned his dog tags, but unfortunately he was told he would be going to the games before he could actually join the forces. A clock layed on the wall and the round pod sat waiting for my brother. I looked at the pod terrified of that stuppid thing. I hope to never have to step foot in one ever again. I decided it would be smart to analyze the material of the outfit that my brother would be given. I picked up the combat boots. Heavy material with good support, probably lots of uneven ground. Maybe some slippery area. They werent heavely lined so not too cold but they are waterproof so rain may be expected. I turned to the black dress bag. I unzipped it finding a windbreaker, blank shirt and cargo pants. The pants were heavy and the coat was lined. So warm days, maybe even humid, but nights will be cold. Forest maybe? Somewhere with a good water source at least, but knowing game makers, they will probably only give one source making it a good conflict point for tributes. Fun times. I heard the door slide and saw the peace keeper with Cato. He walked in and the confident face faded to shock. I smiled. When the door shut, Cato was quick to drop the shock and run giving me a hug. I was shocked by how tight it was and hugged him back.

"You are going to be ok."

"How do you know that?"

I pulled away and put my hands on his shoulders.

"Because you are my brother. You trained your whole life for this, you are in your domain. You will be just fine. Be smart and don't let your need for blood cloud your judgment. Don't get too conected to anyone. Stick with Clove but don't fully trust her. Don't trust your other allies, they will turn when they think you are least expecting it."

"Marvel and Glimmer would never?"

"It is those you least expect that are the nastiest. Now..."

I turn fanding him the uniform they gave us.

"Get changed. We don't have much time and I have other things to go over."

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