Chapter 25

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In normal fashion we were picked up in a limbo. Black and slick and dect out in lavishery inside. Drinks were available for our choosing. Paul wrapped his arm around my shoulders allowing to lean my head against him. Paul ran his hand up and down my arm, trying to calm me.

"I wont let anything happen while I am there."

I look up with him.

"We may not have much of a choice. He quite literally has my brother's life in his hands. He knows I know something I don't even know. I am just scared what information he is going to ask for."

The city lights flashed through the windows making me overly aware of where I was headed to. What I was about to walk into.

"I can't see him asking for something we will understand. He is going to ask for something that is going to distress you because you are unsure what he will do with that information. Who knows what runs through that sick man's head."

"Who does I feel bad for. Anyone that knows what goes through a game maker's head is just as sick as the person controlling the games."

Paul kissed the top of my head.

"That we know."

I smile a bit keeping my eyes on the passing city lights and large crowds of weirdly dressed people. I saw the view shift as the car turned into the overly long driveway of the white house. I felt my hands start shaking as nerves erupted in my stomach. The white house as always was decked out with perfectly groomed gardens and large structures that automatically made you feel small. I shrunk into Paul's side lightly, for once dreading entering the building. Paul moved his arm so he could grab my hand giving it an affirming squeeze.

"I am going to be here every step of the way. Remember this is not my first rodeo. I have a feeling he knows this which is why I was in invited."

I tried to force a smile but I just couldn't bring a smile to my face. THe door to my right opened. I looked at the driver who wasn't saying or looking at me. He was simply waiting for us to get out of the limbo. I looked up the steps where the game maker stood in suit, hair slicked back and two peace keepers on either side of him. I took in a deep breath before scooting out of the back seat. Paul was close behind me. He laced our fingers and forced me into motion as he started walking towards the man that made me dread coming here. He had a smile on his face but his eyes held something I couldn't quite read but the nerves in my stomach seemed to gather into a knot of bad feelings.

"Miss Hadley, Mr. Write. I am so happy you two could join us this evening on such a short notice."

I scuffed.

"Not like we had much of a choice."

Crane clasped his hands behind his back.

"You always have a choice Miss Hadley. I am not as cruel as you make me out to be. I simply wanted some help which is why I invited you and Mr. Write here, so please follow me."

His smile never dropped but I could tell my comment annoyed him. Paul looked down at me making sure I was ok. I gave a slight nod and a queeze to his hand to confirm I was ok. Then we were walking into the large house.

"Please make yourselves comfortable, the coaches are of course the best in the nation."

I rolled my eyes and went to the living room where Marie and I would spend countless time doing hair and nails. I looked over my shoulder at the trailing game maker.

"I think I would know, I have been in the house more times then you have Mr. Crane. Not that you need a reminder for that."

He forced a smile.

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