Chapter 4

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         Baila  Morena ~                                                                   

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I Swirled my Scotch around the glass as i sat back watching the dancers preform on stage, In there underwear . Most of them were dancing around poles while others were just dancing .

I have been here for the last hour since my father told me we will be in alliance with the Italians seeing as the same person is after them ,But i think it's a trap and the italians have another plan .

No one in the underworld would mess with the Italian mafia , so who would try to start war with them except us of course .

I threw a few hundred bills on the table as i got off the chair and made my way out of the V.I.P section , When i walked out side of the club the cold air hit me in the face as i buttoned my Suit jacket up .

 I slipped my hands into my pants pocket fishing around for my keys as i walked over to my car , just as i was about to get into my car i heard a ear piercing scream down the dark ally way .

I walked down the ally way when i heard a man begging and crying as i stood behind the double bins .

 I seen her 

Violet De' santo , She was wearing a black dress that fit her perfect under the reflection of the light at the club door , She had her hair pulled back into a low bun with two strands framing her face .

I stood silent as i watched her cut the mans throat   , She  leaned down and carved something into his forehead with her knife before she cleaned it off the mans suit 

She stood back up fixing her dress before she Opened the door of the club and walking back in. I walked over and bend down to look at the man .

He had A M carved into his forehead , That's Midnights mark .

The underworld named them that since they always kill at Midnight , Mostly rapist and woman abusers they only Target men .

The most brutal torturing and killing's even people from my mafia, And the person im competing with for best Assassin and they always seem to beat me .

Violet is midnight 

I always knew there was something off about her , She always had a way to get what she wanted and torment me in the process .

 But no one can know if the underworld found out that the best assassin is a Woman or the daughter of the Italian mafia she will have people coming after her .

   And she is only mine to kill .

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I sat in the meeting room listening to my most trusted men go over he deal that the Italians proposed , My father sat at the other head of the table as i sat on his right .

'' Sir if we go into alliance with the Italians we don't know what plans that they have it could be a trap '' Says my fathers second in hand man .

'' We need this alliance there is a threat againsed our mafias he know's better that to start war with us in the middle of another war '' my father says getting up and  dismissing the men .

He walked out of the office as i followed walking behind him ,When rounding the corner we walked into the gold elevator .

'' Father are u sure the Italians are the right way to go , There is lots of other mafia's that would aline with us '' i say pleading with him not to trust the Italians there always one step ahead .

'' This is the right thing for our mafia and seeing as u already dont know that , proves my point that u are not ready to be Don '' he says scoffing at the end .

''Father i have been training since i was a four i know how to lead '' i bit back looking at him when he slipped his hand's into his pockets muttering something in russian under his breath .

'' Its not all about being able to fight its about making choices in bad situations  , Plans , having your men respect you '' He says smirking at the last part since his men respect him enough to  cover all his lies .

He was never a honest man .

What would he say if he found out that the Italians have Midnight on there side .

Or mabey they don't know since everyone thinks she is a spoiled little princess , Mabey her mafia don't know that they have one of the best assassin's in the underworld listening to there every plan , and watching there every move .

If she wants to play dirty then we can .

I walked out  of the elevator and out of my fathers building leaving him there , i got into my car and drove off .

While speeding through the city , I thought back to when we were both in highschool and that Moron of a boyfriend she used to have .

He was from a well off family , But that did him no good when his father cut him off leaving him in the ruins for ruining the family name .

Then she left him , She was always a gold digging bitch .

But that was all part of my plan to make her life hell .

I pulled into my penthouse garage , i parked my car in and got out .

I took the elevator to the top floor where my penthouse is , 

When walking through the door i heard something purring and making noise .

I walked into the kitchen and took off my jacket and threw it on the stool .

When i turned back around i seen my ten month old cat  ivan  , he was a ginger brown with a white stomach , It was like a stripe .

Its beedy green eyes started up at me as it lazily made its way over to me , Scratching at my pants, I leaned down and picked up his chubby frame in my arms .

Stroking his head as he leaned into me .

I sat him down on the fluffy mat as i walked to the pantry and got his food .

I opened it and put it into his clean bowl as i left it down with him he started eating as i walked out of there and into my room .

My room was all black and grey  it had silk sheets , Black curtins , Grey walls , 

I walked into my shower and turned it on as i let that steam up i strew off all my clothes and got in .

When i was done about a half hour later i dried off and threw on some sweatpants , They hung low on my v line as i dried my black hair with the towel .

Then i washed my face and done my skin care   and i was done .

I walked back  into my kitchen and washed my hand as i opened my fridge at picked out the things i need .

When i was done cooking i brought my plate and my drink to my couch as i turned on the tv .

I turned on Maze runner .

I leaned back into the couch as Ivan curled up beside me .

Then she popped back into my head , I thought about all the ways that im going to kill her , will she beg me to stop and cry or will she still be a brat .

when  i was done with my show and eating i went to bed .

Thinking of ways i would kill violet .

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( Edited* )

(D.l )

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