Chapter 11

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Devils Advocate ~ The Neighbourhood  

( Or what ever song  you prefer )

                                                                       ⋆。゚。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

My hand pressed down on the trigger as the bullet flew through the air hitting the fat man in the forehead as he fell to the ground , I laid on the roof on my stomach with my rifle , There was a man here trying to scope out the place and taking pictures .

This is the wear house near the docs where all the gun and drug shipments come to , When i looked around and made sure there was no one else here , I stood up and dusted off my clothes .

I picked up my rifle and put it into its bag , I had a bullet and fire proof bag made for it so it cant get damaged , I made sure all its parts were in the bag , Just as i was about to sling it over my shoulder i heard a deep chuckle behind me .

I slowly turned around coming face to face with Adrian who looked amused , he threw the cigarette but on the ground and stomped on it .

'' You have a good shot '' he says when i rolled my eyes wondering what  he is up too .

'' What do you want '' i say annoyed i just want to go home and take a nice hot bath .

'' You dead '' he says devilishly he then smirked as his whole face consorts into anger , he lunges at me  he was fast but i was faster i moved out of the way and hit the back off his legs as he fell on one knee.

With a grunt he stood back up and turned around to look at me .

He was big  and strong , I was small and fast , Where he was clumsy i dodged .

He ran to me before i could move and grabbed me and flung me into the ground .

There was a pounding in my head , i quickly jumped up and faced him .

He fist connected with my jaw , And thats when i got angry we  threw punches and kicks at one another .

My movements were fast , This was not like the other times this one was to survive because i know for a fact if i make one mistake im dead .

My right fist connected with his nose , He stepped back a bit enough for me to swipe his legs from under him , i quickly straddled him when he was down as  i  threw punch after punch to he's face .

He flipped us over and started chocking me .

Kinky .

Now is not the time you horney bitch .

My face was no doubt red from the lack of oxygen .

I lifted my hips up fast enough for him to go back a bit i drove the heel of my boot into his chest , Most of my Strenght was in my legs so he went off me landing on the ground .

I quickly got the injection from my pocked and stuck it in his neck , It was lidocaine it would make him numb and give him loss of feeling but he would be fully conscious but he wont be able to move  .

I seen his body fall back when i threw the needle on the ground , He just laid there looking up at me but unable to move .

Something flashed through his eyes , proud , He was proud of me .

That's when i realised he was just trying to get a reaction out of me , I just reveled my identity to him without even knowing it .

Cazzo .

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