chapter 9

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Into it ~ Chase Atlantic 

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There was silence 

It was awkward , No one moved or said anything .

I was sitting in the living room with Adrian and his mother , While Maxim and my father were in his study talking business .

My father said we should wait here and let them discuss it before they let us in on the plan , well Mabey Adrian but they will ignore me since im just a woman and should keep out of the men's business and dealings .

My father said he is going to make an alliance with maxim , Since the only way to guarantee loyalty is over a Contract .

They have been in there for a while now , If there up to anything strange the Camera and microphone i have secretly installed in my father's study will tell me .

That is how i have found out everything that goes on in Our Mafia , Since None of my fathers men tell me anything .

I looked over to where Adrian's mom was , Her blonde hair was pulled back into a low bun with two curly strands  to frame her face , She was wearing a elegant green dress with light makeup .

She looked at me and nodded .

She wasin't so elegant when she was in my father's bed .

The bed that was made for my mother , Her bed that she slept in .

He had another woman there .

He was a liar his Heart didn't belong to my mother it belonged to the woman sitting across from me acting like something she's not .

A sour frown took over my face as i started at her , I scoffed under my breath when she half smiled at me .

There all fucking liars , Everyone in these two mafia's are and they cant be trusted .

Adrian was leaning back in his chair going threw his phone , His lips tilted up as he looked at who ever was texting him , It might be one of his friends if he has those . Although i doubt it , Who could ever like him .

He was a menace .

He acted like he was a gift from god , But he was actually a bully who got off on tormenting me through high school . Until i finally pushed back and That's Why i hate him .

He's a sick fuck who got off on hurting innocent people .

I seen him kill for the fun of it , He is just like his prick of a father .

And i cant wait to see what plans my Father has for them , All of them .

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I was finally at the club after a long day of sitting there listening to those dirty russian's , Im here alone since my bestfriend is on holiday with her family , I honestly cant wait Until she is home , She may be the only girl i like . And the only one who hasn't used me for my Money or Status .

I had this one girl who was friends with me just to flirt with my dad , She didn't last long until i dropped her .

There was strippers on the pole , People dancing and grinding one each other , Drugs , Alcohol .      There was in-titled men snorting coke of the strippers tits .

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