Chapter 19

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 Love me harder ~ Ariana Grande & The weeknd 

                                                                              ⋆。゚。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

When i awoke the next morning the smell of food hit me , Bacon , Fuck my stomach growled at the thought of food , I was fucking starving .

I groggily opened my eyes and looked around the room , He's side of the bed was empty letting me know that was him in the kitchen .

I threw the covers off my body and put on my jumper before i sluggishly made my way into the bathroom , I rubbed the tiredness out off my eyes as i turned on the tap and washed my face .

I used my tooth brush to brush my teeth and the small comb that belonged to Adrian to untangle some of the knots in my hair .

when i was done using the toilet and washing my hands i walked out of the room and into the kitchen where i seen a half naked Adrian cooking .

He had a loose pair of grey sweats hanging low on he's waist , i watched as his tattooed back Muscles  flexed when he was moving around the kitchen  and when  he wanted to  stir what was in the pan on the stove .

I  walked into the kitchen making my self known as i sat on the chair that was right next to the small kitchen island , He became tense all of a sudden .

It was then when i looked closely and seen all the little scars and whip marks on he's body , They were red some looked new some old , He was littered in them .

He turned around slowly as my eyes  roamed all over his defined chest to his torso ,He was full of tattoos they were on his torso little righting on his abs but there was one on he's side that was in russian writing  {vozmi eto, detka] it was in cursive .

[Take it baby }

He had another one on he's V~ line It was done in block letters but fancy vse vashi    if i had seen it earlier i would think was just some stupid writing .

[All yours]

He had little numeral numbers tattooed on his abs and his chest , He had a full sleeve on he's left arm and he had some other random ones on he's right arm .

His neck tattoo was some russian word to .

I also seen the large Angel wings on he's back when he was turned around .

'' Eat '' he says putting a plate down in front of me , I looked down and seen scrambled eggs , Bacon and on the other plate he had stacks of pancakes .

He slid the glass to me it was full of orange juice , He then turned around and turned off the stove as he walked over and sat infront of me .

'' Where did you get the scars '' i ask sipping the juice , His whole body went ridgit , He looked up at me and he looked leatel .

He looked scary like that .

'' Mind your business and eat '' he grunted out before shoveling the food into he's mouth .

I watched him in disgust as he ate it like  a fucking pig .

He must have seen the disgust on my face when he looked up and falted .

He looked at me and then started eating slowly and not like he belonged in a farm .

'' What part of Russia are you from '' i say breaking the awkward silence .

''Moscow '' he says looking up from he's plate, he looked bored and tired of me already , Im going to drive him mentally insane if we have to stay here together  .

'' Im going out today , Im not sitting in this place with you '' i say when he dropped the fork into the plate and looked up at me his whole face converted into anger .

'' You cant leave '' he seethes out at me , This isn't right how would he's father just be after him for no reason , Adrian wasn't stupid enough to try kill he's father when he knows he will never be able to take over the mafia if he failed .

'' There after you not me ,Im going home '' i scoff pushing the plate away from me.

'' They will kill you durak '' he says gripping the edge of the table , His eyes darkened when i rolled mine at him , He thinks he is going to keep me here with him in this hell hole he is fucking wrong .

[Stupid ]

'' What did you just call me '' i say my hand gripping the fork , i will stab him in the fucking eye if he called me a slut again .

Him and he's slut shaming can go and fuck themselfs .

'' Stupid , Because you are if you think you can leave here and survive '' he says standing up and taking slow steps to me .

He looked dangerous unhinged , I suddenly felt small when  i seen him tower over me .

I swallowed the lump in my throat as he leaned down and whispered in my ear .

''You think your daddy will be able to protect you when he is all the way over in Italy and your here , You can either listen to me or i can kill you and no one will ever know '' he breaths out rubbing his nose along my neck , His breath fanning me .

'' You wouldn't kill me '' i say trying to bit back a smirk .

He needed me , I dont know what for but he does because if he didn't he would have killed me weeks ago .

''You sure about that malyshka '' he says gripping my neck and forcing my eyes up to meet he's ones that have darkened .

'' Yes '' i croak out my throat feeling dry all of a sudden .

'' Fuck you '' he says like he is distracted suddenly he looked down he's face filled with lust .

Confused i looked down to see what he was looking at and my jumper had gone up showing off my skimpy lace thong .

He Slowly looked back up at me as he shook his head like he was trying to rid himself of what ever thoughts that were going on in he's head .

'' I should go '' he says , It was then that i could feel the sexual tension in this place from us .

'' You should '' i say when his eyes snapped back up to mine and he stepped closer .

'' I fucking hate you '' he says running his hand up my naked thigh .

'' I fucking hate you too '' i bite back , His hand moved faster up my thigh and i felt this burning tingling sensation from the trail of fire his hand was leaving on my body  .

Hate was no even the word i would use to describe what i felt for this man , I fucking loathed him , So much that i would go down with him if it Ment getting to kill him ,It has always been a petty fight between us when we were younger but now im afraid its a lot more , And we don't know who is going to come out alive .

'' Yeah '' he breaths out before he crashed he's lips on mine .

 And that was all it took for me to melt into him .

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So expect  the next chapter full of smut , This kick off from here with the tension .

Do u think Adrian is lying to her .



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