Chapter 25

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Childish Gambino ~ Les 

                                                                      ⋆。゚。⋆。 ゚☾ ゚。⋆

There was a amazing view from up here , I held her hand tight in mine as i controlled my breathing .She smiled so brightly as the ferris wheel Spinned us around and back up again .

'' You okay '' she says looking over at me that smile still on her face , I just nodded My lips tilting up in the side .

Her cheeks and nose were red from the cold air , she had her hand clasping mine tightly our fingers laced together .

We came around to the bottom and the weel stopped as people started getting off , The bar was pushed open as she got out and i followed .

Her hand never left mine as she lead me through the crowd to were there was a shooting game and you would win a prize .

She was looking at this big pink teddy on rack , So i took out money from my pocket handed it to the man and picked up the gun and started shooting the balloons That had paint in them .

I shot three of them in a row as the man chuckled and handed me the ticket .

I walked over to where the bears where and picked out the pink one handing the man the ticket as i grabbed the big pink bear In my hands .

It had black eyes and a black nose , It was fairly big with pink fur .

I walked over to violet who was at this basket ball game , She turned around and seen me and then looked at the bear her eyes lit up .

'' For you '' i say handing it to her when she smiled so brightly , i swear i almost melted on the ground .

'' Thank you '' she says softly before standing up on her tippy toes to reach me as she placed a kiss on my jaw .

I felt the heat creep onto my face as i cleared my throat and nodded .

'' You ready to go '' i say when she nodded and muttered how it was getting cold .

We walked back to the car and she put the bear in the back before she got into the drivers seat .

I Slipped into the passenger seat and put on my belt , The soft music of chase Atlantic played in the back ground as i looked out the window .

We drove for about ten minutes until we got to the building of my Penthouse and she pulled in before looking over at me .

'' You want to come up '' i say un-doing my belt , She nodded before parking the car and getting out .

we walked in the doors and to the elevator , I pushed the button as we waited for the elevator i heard her step up beside me .

The elevator opened and we walked in she pressed the highest floor button since my penthouse it on the top floor .

There was this weird tension between us , It all started in russia but i thought we got it out of our system it seem's like we didn't .

When the elevator opened i walked to the door and opened at , She followed behind me .

I seen my Cat Nico sleeping in he's fluffy bed , He always sleeps Its he's favorite thing to do . He is one lazy cat .

'' You want some wine '' i say breaking the silence as she took off her coat and hung it up .

'' Yeah sure '' she says sitting down on on the stool by the Island , i took out two clean wine glasses and my best wine before pouring it into the glasses .

I half filled them before sliding on across the Island to her she picked it up and swirled it around before taking a sip of it before putting it on the table .

I walked around the island as she made eye contact with me , I rounded around the table and walked behind her my hands slid around her waist as i walked in behind her .

Her breathing became heavier .

I bent my neck and ran my nose up and down her neck inhaling her vanilla scent , I sucked the skin into my mouth as i worked my tongue around it , I soothed the area when i was done sucking on it .

She moaned as my hand slipped under her top running up her stomach ti squeeze her breasts through her lace bra . I Kissed down her neck before putting my finger under her chin to crane her head up to me .

I leaned down and captured her lips in mine as i turned her around not breaking off the kiss as she ran her tongue over my bottom lips i opened my mouth and her tongue found mine as i sucked her bottom lip into my mouth .

I lifted her up and sat her on the island moving the stool out of my way i stepped in between he legs as they wrapped around my waist .

Her hand went to the back of my neck as she pulled me in and kissed me again , Her fingers laced through my hair .

Just when i was about to take off her top my phone rang .

She pulled me more into her muttering a ''Ignore it '' before attacking my lips again and i melted into her our body's  Moulding together as she ran her hands under my jumper all over my skin .

I felt my heart beat race as she kissed down my neck before kissing my Adams apple , she sucked the skin into her mouth as her warm hands ran up and down my abs .

Her finger traced down to my happy trail , and back up to my chest .

And then the phone rang again .

I groaned before pulling away from her , She pouted up at me as she tried to pull me back into her .

'' Hello '' i answered into the phone as i put my finger up to her lips .

'' Man , you need to warn violet '' says a panicked Dimitry into the phone , my face  consorts into confusion and violet narrowed her eyes at this , She wanted to know what was going on .

'' Why '' i say , I moved my finger from violets mouth she was about to talk when i shot her a look that made her shut up again .

'' Someone told the underworld she is the Assassin that has been killing and terrorising them '' he says and my eyes went wide , That means the whole underworld will be out to get her .

Her Identity has been giving out then her father and her is in danger , Since she is a woman the men think she will be easier to kill and to get .

I hung up the phone and looked at violet who was staring at me impatiently  waiting for me to tell her .

'' Your Identity has been gave out the whole underworld is looking for you '' i rush out .

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This is a short chapter, this week has been a bit crazy so i had to wait until the week end to write these chapters  .I Also had no Motivation 



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