Chapter 6

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Beach weather ~ Sex , Drugs , ETC .

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There they sat talking and laughing like they were the best of friends , Alexander Russo son of the mayor , blonde hair blue eyes , a real upper class  gentleman sitting there with that Russian Ogre .

I walked Confidence reeked off me as Adrian looked up and seen me he looked me over in disgust as i rolled my eyes at the pig .

Alexander's eyes lit up when he seen me as he smiled at me , One that i returned before looking at the smirking creep beside him my smile instantly turned into a scowl .

''How have you been '' Alexander says standing up and wrapping his arms around me i smiled as my hands went around him .

'' I have been good you '' i say side eyeing Adiran .

''Busy '' he sighed sitting back down and making room for me , I slide into the seat beside him i sat my purse on the table as i looked over at adrian .

My gaze went over his features he was wearing a black pants with a black long sleeve polo neck jumper , His silver chain dangling from his neck , His fingers littered in rings .

sad to say but he looked good .

He say me looking him over and smirked , I rolled my eyes at his big ego .

We all sat there in silence as Alexander sat awkwardly there was a weird tension between me and adrian , It could be all the hate .

''So how do you two know each other '' i said breaking this awful silence when they both looked at each other before looking back at me .

'' Oh we met when our fathers were doing business together '' says Alexander smiling oblivious to the daggers that the russian was throwing my way .

'' Let's order shall we '' he says calling over the waiter , A young boy around fifteen came over a blush covering his cheeks as he looked me over in the dress as he cleared his throat before looking at Alexander .

'' What can i get you '' he says smiling .

We all ordered our food as the waiter walked away writing on his notepad .

I heard Adrian mutter russian under his breath .

I scowled not knowing what he was saying since i dont speak or understand russian .

I think its time to change that .

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I walked into the large house past the foyer into the kitchen were i seen all Italian meals lined up on the table .i walked over to the table to see a variety of pasta, pastrys , Desserts and baked dishes of Lasgane and others.

I picked up the plate full of Maritozzo and walked out of the kitchen , I bite into the creamy filling it was soft on my tongue .

I walked into the library were my father Keeps all the books of every language , I ran my fingers along the books lined with dust .

When i got to the R section i picked up the russian translate book where you can see the words in russian and English .

Putting the book under my arm i walked out of the library to my room .

When in my room i laid on my bed eating the desserts flicking through the pages when i thought back to what he said .

грязная шлюха

Thats what he called me , He called me a filthy slut . That russian basterd .

i sighed throwing the book on the floor and putting the plate on the table .

I need a nap .

My battery is drained 

I climbed under the covers of the bed letting my head fall on my soft pillow , I sighed im so done with this shitty week . No fuck that this has been a shitty week .

my father is still keeping the plan from me He says if i know i will try to ruin it , so i guess im just going to go with it .

I closed my eyes letting darkness welcome me .


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I got fucking kidnaped .

Okay let me just tell you what happened .

i went out for my nightly walk to try burn some calories from all the sweet pastrys i ate today , And i had my ear pods in , I know that was stupid of me .

I was blasting wildest dreams by taylor swift when someone came up behind me and put a rag to my mouth with some sort of drug on it .

It was from behind so i didn't have time to react to it and they seemed a lot stronger in strength and build more masculine im sure it was a man .

So now im sitting on a chair tied up in a cold dark room i can hear the rats in the wall , Yeah that scared the shit out of me .

It smells of shit and blood in here it fucking disgusting , I heard men's voices muttering and whispering outside earlier but i was still drowsy from the drug so i could not make out what they were saying .

The steel door got pushed open and a large man came in it was tall and buff , I could not see his face in the dark .

A deep chuckle was all i heard before they clicked on the bright light making me squint my eyes it was bright and it was burning my eyeballs .

cunt .

My eyes snapped open when i heard a chair being pulled from the corner of the room to infront of me .

They then turned around and i seen the face of my kidnapper .

You have got to be fucking kidding me .

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Short chap / sad to say this took me four days to get the motivation to wright .

Next update will be longer .

Please comment what i can do to make my writing better / do they need more detail longer chapters , I will try anything to make this book better .

Please vote and comment :)

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