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Tower of the Hand

Otto was in his chambers readying himself to go to Dragonstone. Alicent was helping him get ready. Otto noticed his daughter fingers were chewed and some of her nails were chipped.

He grabbed her hands. "You're the most comely girl at court, why do you destroy yourself?" She didn't answer, but instead looked away in shame."Will you see Prince Taeron tonight?" He asked

"If you wish it." She simply said and noticed Ser Criston at the door. "Good day, Ser Criston."

"My lady." Criston bowed. "I've assembled twenty of your household guards, my lord hand. Ser Harrold will also join us."

"Please look after the hand ser Criston. She said as she left." She wanted her father to be safe, but as she left, she only thought about Taeron when they touched for that brief moment when they stared at each other. She imagined that she could have a good life with him, but she needed to get away from her fathers schemes.


Otto, Lord commander Harrold, Ser Criston, some household guards, Grandmaester Mellos, and some dragonkeepers walked on the bridge of Dragonstone. As they got closer, they met Daemon, Mysaria, and a few Gold Cloaks. Daemon held the egg and tossed it in his hands like a ball.

"Welcome to Dragonstone Otto." Daemon said

"Your occupation of this island is at an end." Otto stated boldy. "You are to relinquish the dragon's egg, disband your army, banish your whore, and leave Dragonstone at once by order of his grace, King Viserys-"

"Where is the king? I don't see him." Daemon cut him off.

"His grace would never lower themselves to entertain such a mummers farce." Otto said.

Daemon smirked and then looked at the man who unhorsed him and his nephew. "Ser Crispin, wasn't it?"

"Ser Criston Cole, my prince". He corrected Daemon.

"Ah yes apologies I couldn't recall". Daemon said.

"Perhaps my prince recalls when I knocked him off his horse." He said

Daemon laughed. "Very good."

"This is a truly pathetic show." Otto interrupted. "Are you so desperate for the king attention that you've resorted to skulking about like a common cutpurse?"

"I'm simply keeping with the traditions of my house the same as my brother did for his heir." Daemon argued.

"Those traditions are for the trueborn children of royalty not for bastards fathered on a common whore." Otto said.

"Lady Mysaria is to be my wife." Daemon said.

"This is an abomination, with every breath you soil your name, your house, and your brothers reign." Otto reminded him.

"Well our love does not know titles and traditions." Daemon defended.

"And what of you men of the City Watch, aiding the prince in his treason?" Otto asked.

"The king made me their commander, they are loyal to me. You've come for the egg" Daemon said putting his hand forward. "Here it is."

"Are you mad? Otto asked. "You'd never survive this."

"Well happily neither would you." Daemon said.

"To choose violence here is to declare war against your King." Otto reminded him

"Wonderful." Daemon said without a care.

"Even if it ends in the death of your unborn child and it's mother?" Otto asked. Those words were threatening enough for Daemon, and the men of the city watch unsheathed their swords and the opposing side did the same. Both sides looked at each other for a while, and then Otto heard a low growl It was the bloodwyrm Caraxes. Otto knew that there was no way his men had a chance against a dragon. "All of you. Sheathe the fucking steel." Otto commanded his men and they did as they were told

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