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[Nick's pov.]

A loud thundering outside had woken me up. I let out a small sigh, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand before I looked over at the clock.

It was only 12 p.m. I wasn't even asleep for that long. My parents didn't tell me there was gonna be a storm, but then again, they were busy with Junior today.

I hoped he's doing okay with the storm. I know many people don't like storms, and Junior doesn't seem like type to be afraid of storms, but I had this feeling in my stomach. It was almost like pins and needles.

I pushed my blanket off of me and swung my legs over to the edge before standing up.

Cold and wet. The floor was cold and wet. Confused, I looked down and saw the floor full of water.

I looked up the ceiling and saw it dripping.

Well, that wasn't good.

"Mom! Dad! Papa!" I called out for them, moving towards my door, that was closed.

That was weird. I never really closed my door, just in case of emergencies.

I grabbed ahold of the doorknob and twisted to the side, but the door wouldn't open.

"Mom! Dad! Papa! Jack!" I yelled, hoping one of them could hear me.

I noticed the water was rising, and panic filled my chest, and it was getting harder to breathe.

"Papa! Help!"

- -
[Junior's pov.]

I lay awake in bed. It was raining outside, an occasional thundering or lighting that just lights up the room.

The bed was comfortable, and this home was safe enough for anyone to fall asleep easily, but something felt wrong.

It was keeping me from sleeping, and I usually don't lose sleep over nothing.

I was slightly startled when I heard a bang coming from downstairs. On alert, I stood up, grabbed my knife, and hid it just in case it was one of the kids.

I walked out of the room..my room with the knife hidden behind my back. I walked downstairs.

The whole house was dark, and the only light was the lighting. There were smaller bangs now, but it sounded like a door hitting against something.

I followed the sound to the back of the house.

The sliding doors were open, the rain was getting inside, wetting the floor and everything that was around it.

I silently cursed, rushing to close the door, wondering who left it open or who got inside of the house, but as I went to close it, I saw someone in the backyard.

I instantly noticed who it was. It was Nick, but what was Nick doing out in the backyard in the middle of a storm in the middle of the night?


I saw Nick walk into the neighbors yard, and I ran out, not really caring about getting wet or that my feet were getting muddy.

I reached the neighbors gate, and I didn't see Nick anywhere, but then my eyes were focused on the pool in the neighbors yard.

It was hard to see, but then I saw a hand coming out of the pool before it disappeared again.

I didn't waste a second, jumping into the pool, and I saw Nick all the way at the bottom, kicking and swuning his limbs around.

His eyes were closed, but that was the least of my concerns as Nick stilled.

I quickly swam over to him and grab ahold of him before pulling him up.

I gasped. I made it to the surface. "Help! Shit, fuck! Anyone!" I pulled Nick out of the pool and laid on the ground.

The lights from the neighbors house turned on before the back yards one did.

Nick was pale, and his skin was so cold, and he wasn't breathing.

"Junior!?" I snapped my head over at the sound of my name, and I saw Jack, in his pajamas, his eyes wide as he stared at Nick.

"Get your parents!" I told him, as I put my hands on Nick's chest.

I didn't see or hear Jack leave, but I hoped he went to grab his parents. Our parents.

"Oh my god! Nick!" Sam fell to her knees on the other side of Nick as I started to do compressions.

"Sam! Sam, hey! Snap out it, I need you to breathe for him, okay? When I tell you, breathe for him." I demanded, and Sam nodded,

"Okay, okay."


Sam and I did this for a whole minute before Nick let out a sharp gasp, his eyes snapping open, and he cough out water.

I turned him on his side as he puked out all the water.


I let out a sigh of relief. This is not how I imagined my first night here.

- -

Nick was taken to the hospital after the neighbor called an ambulance. His parents went with him.

I had changed my soaking wet clothes and into dry clothing.

Everyone was pretty much awake now, all in the living room, anxious and nervous.

"You guys don't think Nick tried to kill himself, right?" Tara quietly questioned, her arms wrapped around herself.

I slightly tensed last time I forced Nick to almost kill himself.

"Nick isn't suicidal. Plus, why would he kill himself in the neighbors pool?" Blake mumbled.

She was leaning against Jack, who had an arm wrapped around her.

"How did you know he was in the pool?" Jack questioned, looking at me, and everyone turned to look at me.

"I couldn't sleep, so I was awake when I heard a bang coming from downstairs, I went to see what it was, and it was the sliding doors, then I saw Nick, I called out for him but he ignored me, and by the time, I reached the neighbors gate, he was in the pool." I explained. Was he trying to accuse me of something?

Sure, I did try to kill Nick a while ago, but I am a change man now. He's my little brother, and I will protect him and kill anyone who tries to hurt him.

"Nick doesn't ignore anyone," Dani commented. "What else can you tell me about Nick's behavior?" She asked me.

"His eyes were closed, um.. before..you know, it was like he was still sleeping or something." I replied.

Could it be that Nick was sleepwalking?

"That makes sense," Everyone looked at Dani now, and she cleared her throat. "He experienced some traumatic events in his life, and some trauma victims sleepwalk. Nick was sleeping walking, which explains why his eyes were closed when he was in the pool."

Well, fuck.


Word count - 1110

Sorry for the late update, hoped you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 07 ⏰

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