Level 0.1

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Nestled amidst the verdant embrace of rolling hills and serene lakes, the university stood as a beacon of academic excellence and architectural marvel in Thailand. Its sprawling campus was a harmonious blend of traditional Thai aesthetics and cutting-edge modern design, making it not only the most prestigious educational institution in the country but also the most breathtaking. Majestic buildings with intricate wooden carvings and sloping roofs reflected the rich cultural heritage, while sleek, glass-walled facilities spoke of a forward-thinking spirit. The university was more than a place for learning; it was a sanctuary where nature and knowledge met, creating an environment that inspired students and scholars alike. With its lush gardens, tranquil walkways, and reflective pools, the university was a testament to the beauty and brilliance of Thailand, attracting minds from across the globe to its hallowed halls. Among the bustling hallways , it's the turn of the main building to be the busiest one as it's the day of glory.

Three students made their way to the green bench , the shortest one nudged the tallest one asking " Mueng!! Did you nominate P'Theo ? You have been gushing about him since last year , I had to shove in the ear plugs so that I won't hear your rants that he didn't place last year ". The tallest laughed out loud and pointed to her screen saying " Definitely. You won't be needing those darn ear plugs , I can bet my dream data analyst career this time cause I cracked the algorithm. Too bad for the other students ". The innocent freshmen stared at them curiously , the other two exchanged glances, in one tone they said " Well , Every year the Top 5 Universities in the country come together to create an exclusive festival , the highlight is the F4 list released on the last day. The students from all the top universities nominate the individual that they think that's worth of the title. The F4 is the cream of elites , as the requirements consider the Intelligence , Physical appearance , Influencibility (in the Social Networking Sites ), Popularity , Athletic ability and so on. This period of time literally creates network traffic and server failure as everyone wants their favourite to be on the list. So , Who's your pick ? ". The freshmen pondered for a while mumbling " I'm going to pick my classmate , the adorable physics major ".

The boy walking towards the library sneezed mumbling ' Achoo!! Is someone thinking about me or what ? '. He tapped his university id on the scanner, the gates opened after authorizing his identity. The cool air-con breeze mixed with the aroma of aged paper and warm scent of worn leather bindings welcomed him solemnly. He let out a peaceful smile, blooming from familiar happiness, looking around the place he noticed the library being quiet with not a lot of people. ' My lucky day ' he mumbled as he placed his black coffee on the table and trudged to the Science section on the first floor. He walked past a couple making out on the dark corner , he had out to control his laugh as he can remember seeing dog poo there yesterday. He swirled around to the next rack mumbling ' I guess love is in the air ' , his eyes landed on the heavy books neatly arranged by their numbers. He hummed to a lovely melody while searching for a particular one , the block letters " Quantum Mechanics: The Theoretical Minimum " caught his eyes. Upon opening the book , the clean woody scent hit his nose making him smile.

He sipped the black coffee and turned his attention to his notes while adjusting the rim of his glasses. Luckily , he managed to get the seat by the infamous long transparent glass window.

Boys playing football in the green patch , Couple of students laying on the mat in a tranquil silence , Freshmen pulling their hairs in frustration as they missed the battery car now they have to run to their lecture hall on the other side of the university , Sophomores putting up the banners while painting the canvas walls. He has always been an observant person , today was again a day he enjoyed the Play of University students. A ring shook the silence earning shush here and there , he took a few seconds to notice that it was his phone as it doesn't ring at all in a daily basis.

He glanced at the notification reminding him that the flash mob starts in an hour , the only hobby he had besides watering plants. Packing up the things into his tote bag , he marched towards the reception. The old lady radiantly smiled at him saying ' My boy !! Looks like you're in a hurry today , I guess it's something to do with that dancing shoes '. Oddly , he gets along well with old people , they seemed to get talkative with him that explains why he's close with all the staff in the university especially with the Library ones as he visits the holy place too often. But , today he was too tired for a cheerful conversation. So ,He just nodded pointing at the book on the counter. The lady made an entry and gave him the due date slip to return the book. As he was about to walk out , the lady called him saying ' Take one of these , You need it ' pointing to the pile of candies.

He unlocked the chain on his bicycle , Reluctantly he popped in the candy. The citrus scent and the tangy lemon flavour filled his mouth. He sighed looking at the posters flying at a distance thinking about the festival but suddenly his vision became blurry and the next thing the world darkened for him.


As the lecture ends, the classroom bursts into a symphony of sounds and movements. Chairs scrape against the floor, signaling the end of stillness. Whispers taking it's form of loud chatters, Notebooks snap shut, laptops close with gentle clicks, and pens find their way into the bags.

Someone tapped the guy wearing blue cardigan at the center surrounded by a bunch of students talking about random things. The crowd became silent as soon as they heard the question ' You ba***rd , How dare you steal my spot !! You're the one who did it , Isn't it ? ' . Everyone's eyes landed on the person whom it was directed to , the guy wearing the blue cardigan.

The cardigan boy glanced at the guy yelling for a few seconds , he hid his smirk under an innocent expression saying ' Me ? I think you already know who leaked your art work and the fact that it isn't me. You walked from the left side before entering into this lecture hall and your shoes are smudged with something white. Considering that , you went to the student community few minutes before this lecture ended and made a copy of the art piece that was submitted along with the other ones for the gallery and noticed that the signature looked familiar. You had to pass by the Gymnasium to get here as they block the hallways around this time , it's the turn of the weight lifters to practice today. I heard that a freshmen accidentally dropped sacks of the chalk powder on the floor. I guess they didn't finish cleaning it up yet , cause that explains the white stains on your black sneakers and the white thumb print near the signature of the art work that you're holding up right now. My question is ... Why were you trying to frame me ? '. The boy dropped the canvas and started to tremble at his deduction.

Someone who is good at analyzing things , he's more than that. The guy dusted off the chalk powder crumbs on his blue cardigan as he leaned in besides him whispering ' Nong Sea , Were you trying to protect your best friend by framing me ? I don't think that's good decision. Good friends guide the person into a right way , Today let's say you saved him. What if he does something so much bigger than forging when he joins the society in the future. Will you save him again ? Talk with him. He's probably stressed about the submission as one of the pieces will be sent to the Gogh gallery , he had no choice but to use yours as he assisted your work for years. We all know that Night is a good kid , just the way he handled the situation became a wrongful act to you. I hope conversation about this would help him get into right track '. The guy wrapped the canvas with a paper and left the place quietly.

Someone entered the hall , dressed up in Prada from head to toe she caught attention of all the students leaving the hallway and those who are inside. She cheerfully marched towards the guy with the blue cardigan , placing something on his hand she winked saying ' A small gift from your future girl friend ' and left the place swinging her bag. It made everyone cringe , he glanced at the expensive looking paper on his palm reading " Invitation to the Gala VIP Party 2023 " with a candy stapled to it . He sighed placing it inside his bag , all the students rushed outside to attend next classes.

He popped in the orange candy while he packed things scattered on the desk , his phone rang. Before he could attend the call , everything went dark.


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