Level 5.2

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The doors to their house unlocked, the boys settled on the couch while some sprawled on the floor. Theo noticed Felix's disappointed expression after losing the game and decided to comfort him. He explained that the system had used a hypnotic technique to lower Felix's thinking ability, as his intelligence posed a significant threat. Felix seemed convinced by Theo's explanation. Meanwhile, Grey expressed frustration, feeling fooled by the system's loophole that he couldn't find. It was the first time he had been deceived like this. Pax, however, silently congratulated himself for his successful meditation, which allowed him to ignore the hypnotic video and maintain his focus.

They heard their stomachs collectively grumbling , it was past the lunch time. Felix volunteered to cook the lunch grabbing Grey as the chef.

In a cozy kitchen bathed in the warm glow of afternoon sunlight, Grey bustled about, expertly tossing crisp lettuce leaves in a bowl while Felix hovered nearby, playing the role of both assistant and master distractor. With a mischievous glint in his eye, Felix skillfully diverted Grey's attention with witty banter and playful antics, ensuring that his friend remained blissfully unaware of the surprise unfolding in the adjacent bedroom.

In the adjacent bedroom, Theo and Pax worked diligently, their hands deftly arranging vibrant strawberries atop the creamy surface of the cheesecake. As they delicately placed each berry with care, their conversation turned to the most funny experiences they had encountered during their university years.

"Pax, you wouldn't believe the time I accidentally hypnotized myself during a psychology experiment," Theo chuckled, his eyes twinkling with amusement.

Pax's laughter mingled with Theo's as he replied, "Oh, that's nothing! I once wrote a code so buggy during a computer science project that it crashed the entire server room!"

Theo's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "Seriously? That's so unlike of you ! I thought I was the only one prone to psychological mishaps."

Pax grinned, a shared sense of reliability forming between them. "Seems like we both have a knack for turning our fields of study into a comedy show."

As they continued to exchange stories of their university escapades, the room filled with the sound of their laughter and the sweet aroma of freshly made cheesecake. Despite pursuing different majors and leading separate lives, Theo and Pax found common ground in their shared love for learning and their penchant for the unexpected. And as they carefully placed the final strawberry on the cheesecake, they knew that no matter the differences, their bond as students playing a death game remained unbreakable, united by the spirit of the system that waited to knock the breath outta their body incase they failed.

[ kitchen ]

As Grey meticulously drizzled homemade Caesar dressing over the fresh greens, Felix couldn't resist the temptation to tease the older with corny comment . "You handle those leaves with such finesse, Grey. It's almost as if you're performing a delicate ballet in the kitchen," he quipped, his playful tone laced with admiration.

Felix joked around with no intention to flirt but for Grey he started to hear things the way he wants. Blushing slightly at the unexpected compliment, Grey flashed Felix a grateful smile before returning his focus to the task at hand. With Felix's assistance, the duo seamlessly transitioned from preparing the salad to tending to the succulent beef roasting in the oven, their movements synchronized in perfect harmony.

Yet, amidst the culinary chaos, Felix couldn't shake the nervous flutter in his stomach as he stole furtive glances towards the bedroom door. He knew that any moment now, Theo and Pax would emerge, cheesecake in hand, ready to surprise Grey for his birthday. He didn't know that those two were laughing at their funniest moments slowing down the process of completing the cake.

Desperate to keep Grey occupied and oblivious to the impending celebration, Felix began increasingly elaborate distractions. From engaging Grey in a spirited debate about the merits of homemade versus store-bought Tote bags  to spontaneously breaking into an impromptu rendition of their favorite childhood song, Felix pulled out all the stops to keep Grey from wandering off. The older found Felix slightly odd but he just enjoyed his company.

However, as the tantalizing aroma of the roasting beef filled the air, Felix's efforts to distract Grey began to wane. With each passing minute, the risk of Grey discovering the surprise birthday preparations grew ever more imminent. Just as Felix felt his nerves reaching a fever pitch, Grey turned towards him with a charming grin, a mischievous twinkle in his eyes. "You know, Felix, I must say, you're proving to be quite the assistant, big deal that you haven't done anything clumsy," Grey remarked, his tone teasing yet sincere. Flustered at his words , Felix turned around, hitting the sauce bottle which made a pool on the floor. Grey laughed as he said ' It's hasn't been even a minute I praised you for not causing trouble, here we go ', the boy complained but restricted Felix to come anywhere near the place as he didn't want the younger to get hurt by the broken glass shards.

After cleaning the floor squeaky clean , Grey stepped towards the bedroom with an intention to change clothes. The very panicked Felix grabbed his waist and pulled him closer into a hug. Red hues crept under the skin of both the boys , Grey stood froze not knowing the reason behind the younger's sudden action . But , one thought crossed his mind ' If I hug him back , Will he get his hopes up ....? What is this unsettling feeling and why am I getting hot '.

Felix untied his hands while saying ' I have fragmentophobia , I can't look at the glass shards . I guess I hugged you due to shock. I'm sorry if it had made you uncomfortable'. Grey shook his head implying he wasn't uncomfortable and comforted him. Felix had a knack for making up lies that will fool the ones he knows completely , the boy internally felt guilty as the older seemed to believe the lie.

Just then, the bedroom door swung open, revealing Theo and Pax beaming with excitement as they presented the elaborately decorated cheesecake, adorned with candles and sprinkled with confetti.

"Happy birthday, Grey!" they chorused, their voices filled with genuine warmth and affection.With a grateful smile, Grey turned to Felix, his eyes shining with unspoken gratitude. And run towards the cake , thanking the boys for their efforts , closed his eyes to make a wish. As Grey blew out the candles on his birthday cheesecake, surrounded by the warmth of his friends and the aroma of freshly cooked chicken, Felix couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment wash over him as he managed to pull it off.

They settled down on the dinner table, it looked inviting with bowls of Caesar salad and plates of roasted beef with veggies. The four boys happily dug into their lunch, enjoying every bite of the delicious food. The salad was fresh and crunchy, with a creamy dressing that added a tangy flavor. The roasted beef was tender and juicy, with a crispy skin that made it extra tasty. The vegetables were colorful and flavorful, perfectly cooked to bring out their natural sweetness. Ending the meal with a slice of strawberry cheesecake that rested on the centre of the table. As they ate, the boys chatted and laughed, enjoying each other's company and the simple pleasure of a good meal together. They felt grateful for the food on their plates and the friendship that filled the room, making their lunchtime experience one to remember.

The boys collectively said ' Sorry , we couldn't get you anything. We didn't want to die while trying to buy you a gift card , that would be most dumbest way to die '. Grey broke into giggles remembering their reference to the reel " Dumb ways to die ~ ". He said ' Nope, I'm happy that you even thought of doing something for me. I'm so grateful for that. By the way the cheesecake was so good '. Theo gestured to the youngest saying ' Our baby made it ' . Grey turned to his side facing Felix , he playfully teased him saying ' When I get out , I should get him a diamond ring '. Felix laughed shyly at his comment meanwhile Pax tried hard to control his expression as he was upset that Grey had used something Felix said to him , it was a thing between them. He got annoyed that Grey made it into a flirty comment to impress Felix.


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