Level 4

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As a person with a steady routine , Pax made his bed neatly then cleaned his nightstand noticing a small white card that read " Gracias for the tea , that's so lovely of you Mr.Paxton. Have a good night with sweet dreams , I hope my mini gift can help you with that " , he picked up the card discovering a lemon candy hidden behind it. The boy made sure to keep the card into his bag and popped the candy into his mouth while laughing at his self cause he realized he had starting behaving out of his character. He's the type to hate anything that has fructose yet he's eating a candy at past 10. While melting the candy , he grasped the taste of coconut sugar the healthy alternative that made him remember that the person who makes butterflies dance in his body is a keen-eyed loud observant. The lights went out , the last person awake swallowed the candy drifting into deep slumber.


The morning light filtered gently through the curtains, casting a warm glow across the room. Two boys stirred in their beds, slowly emerging from the depths of sleep as the day began to beckon. Grey rubbed his eyes with a yawn, stretching languidly, while the other one Felix blinked sleepily, his tousled hair looking like a bird nest from a night of dreams.

Meanwhile, at the table, the scene was a picture of morning activity. Two other boys, already wide awake, sat side by side, their breakfast spread before them. Pax dropped the clouded ice cubes into the light brown liquid. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the scent of sizzling bacon, filling the air with an enticing fragrance. Theo transferred the hot bliss into a wooden bowl as he sat on the table steam rose from his bowl of oatmeal topped with apple , swirling in delicate wisps mixing the honey.

As the boys at the table chatted animatedly, laughter filled the room, accompanied by the clinking of spoons against bowls and the occasional clatter of a fork. They shared stories of their school days, their voices rising and falling in a symphony of morning camaraderie. The freshly baked boys joined them , Theo passed a bowl of oatmeal to Felix while Grey said he was fine with a banana. The bell rang automatically at 10 am , indicating it's time for the third mission. The boys stood up , Felix shoved the last two spoons of oatmeal while chugging water to not choke , Theo picked up all their notepads , Grey cleaned the table and Pax rushed out of the bathroom. The team walked towards the doors that were unlocked leading to the sickening garage , they warmed up in their own ways while keeping an eye on the screen. It lit up displaying " The Third Mission - The Adventures of Robin hood " , the mechanical voice read the rules ,

When the game starts, 5 of the players will be assigned to the big village while the other 3 will be assigned to the small village

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When the game starts, 5 of the players will be assigned to the big village while the other 3 will be assigned to the small village. Out of the 8 residents, there will one burglar and one special role. When the game starts, all villagers will possess 10 gold . The game has 6 rounds. Each round has a day and night time system. In order to find the burglar, you will be given 5 minutes of day time to decide who to exile. Before day time ends, both villages must each banish one player to exile. If a village is undecided on who to banish after time is up, it is decided by a majority vote. At night time, both exiled players will briefly stay in the place of exile. During that time, if a village has a burglar, its villagers will be robbed and each villager will lose one gold. Only the burglars gain from the robbery [ The role of each player will not be presented publicly, So the players need to predict who could be a villager and who could be the burglar ]. If the burglar is in exile, no robberies will occur. When the next round begins it'll be daytime again and the exiles will go back to their respective village. The gold counts of each village will be revealed in every two rounds. [players will be marked by Roman numerals ]. / Activity for the readers : 1) Before reading the game play , Predict the result of the third mission 2) Find the burglar with them /

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