Level 0.2

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The University Spring festival burst into life with vibrant colors and the buzz of excitement filling the air. Stalls lined the pathways, each one a kaleidoscope of crafts, games, and culinary delights, beckoning students with their unique aromas and enticing displays. Laughter and music intertwined as live bands took to the stage, their melodies a backdrop to the myriad of activities. Students, dressed in their casual best, moved in animated groups, their faces lit with the joy of shared experiences and discoveries. The night sky, a blanket of stars, watched over the festival, as lights strung across trees and booths twinkled like distant galaxies. It was a celebration of youth, creativity, and community spirit, a cherished memory in the making for every attendee.

The Magic portions booth located in the chemistry department inspired by the whimsical and mysterious potions of Harry Potter attracted a lot of students , playing a vital role in increasing the revenue for the event. The poster on the map created a bundle of curiosity among the students on how they created it and what they can do there.

It shrouded in an aura of mystery, invites festival-goers into an interactive, immersive experience straight out of Hogwarts. Upon entering, participants are greeted by the booth's alchemists, dressed in robes and pointed hats, their eyes twinkling with secrets of ancient brews. The air is filled with the bubbling sounds of cauldrons and the sweet, spicy scents of brewing potions, mingling with hints of mystery and adventure. With the guidance of the helpers, visitors select their desired potion and set to work. They measure and mix, chop and grind, each ingredient adding its own unique whisper of magic to the concoction. As they stir their potions, colors swirl, smoke rises, and the air vibrates with the anticipation of magic about to unfold. Finally, the moment of truth arrives. Participants whisper the incantation, a word of power that activates the potion, and watch in awe as the liquid in their cauldron transforms, signaling the completion of their magical brew. They carefully decant their potions into ornate bottles, each one a promise of adventure and a souvenir of an unforgettable experience.

A campus couple stirred the pot with one heart connected to each other called out the spell ' Mon Amour !! ' , the liquid changed into a radiant coral. In an excited stance , they exchanged glances and yelled out " Vodka ". The master rang the bell indicating that it's a correct answer , they skipped happily with their love potion.

A boy wearing the Slytherin robes had been watching all those students in an attempt to pass the boredom ,  standing there like a mannequin isn't the world's most fun activity. He had always been in the spotlight against his better judgement , he knew interest isn't always a good thing cause it brings both the good and bad out of the people. The seniors had dragged him out of the laboratory , cause handsome face equals handsome money for the department. So, they made a deal.

He stood there posing for an hour , but it was exhausting. Slipping down the robes , changing into a cozy black hoodie he made his way way out. As a child , he was a cheerful one. When the puberty hit him , he became a lot more playful. The unstableness followed him as he constantly became a target for comparison with his famous brother , he worked hard to satisfy the eyes of the people that he didn't even heard of in his life. He graduated high school and made sure to attend the farthest university possible as he didn't want to repeat that exhausting life again.

On the way back to his dorm , he stopped by the garden. Putting his bag down , he laid down on the green cushion. The cool breeze , tranquil music of the nature , the sweet yet strong scent of the Lilacs in full bloom brought him the peacefulness he wanted the most. He stared at the starry sky smiling that he could still find the Orion constellation, the happy hour was interrupted by the grumbling sound from his stomach. He mumbled ' Ahh, I skipped both the lunch and dinner ' , with an earnest heart he searched his bag for anything edible but ended up with a box of Lemon custard tarts that was given to him as token of gratitude for his incredible posing for an hour. The boy opened it , munching on one of them as he went through the mails. Something was wrong, he became nauseous then the next second it became dark.


A room well lit with the soft glow of string lights , the chatter sound of a girl could be heard as someone passed behind her to get the car keys on the night stand. The comments flew up in the speed of the light , she mumbled ' They didn't even care about the lip balm I was talking about but they scream now as they can get a glimpse of his face again '. The boy patted the girl's shoulders saying ' I will be going now , make sure to eat and take care of yourself '.

He sat on the driver's seat , plugged in the car keys to his BMW Z4. Tapping on the  steering wheel , he sighed  thinking about his best friend. He was worried as she exposes her life a lot in social media but something weighed on his mind more than that. She had a stalker who confessed to her in weird ways , the boy had to play the role of a fake boyfriend in order to keep that weirdo in check.

The big grandeur iron gates grilled open automatically as the tires screeched while he parked the car. He greeted the security guards as he made his way to the living room. The man in a a perfectly tailored suit, his appearance is impeccable, with every detail from the crispness of his shirt to the polish on his shoes reflecting the high standards of the estate he serves , greeted the boy saying ' Young master , Have you had your meal ? '. The boy greeted him back laughing as he said ' Aow ! P'Korn , You have known me since I was so young. I thought we agreed to not bring back these formalities'. The man silently gestured to the kitchen staff watching them in secret , the boy understood what had to be done. ' Yes Mr.Korn , I've had my meal already. Thanks for your concern. I will be resting in my room ' the boy greeted the staff around him and went back to his room.

His parents had divorced 9 years ago , leaving him with his father whose existence had been little to nothing in his life. In that grandeur mansion , he was left alone from his childhood that made him become an adult  a lot more faster than the other kids. Still , there was a place where he can be himself , his grandmother's embrace. She was a tycoon , managing the FT Group , attending business trips , collaborating with different brands to sustain the group's position in the global market. Yet , she always made time to visit her grandson as she loved him the most in the world. That makes him the most respectable among the people belonging to the FT Group as he's the only heir to it , he had to watch his every move in the mansion.

The boy plopped on the chair and stared at his desk as he notice a parcel. He made space on the table and opened it. A box of handcrafted chocolates , he searched for the sender but the letter only had the symbol 🗝 and nothing else. He thought ' Ahh , Tomorrow is Feb 14 . Last week , she was joking about sending a surprise to her so called boyfriend. I guess it's her doing '. He ate one of the two almond drops , gently placing the box inside the refridgerator. As the lights started to dim , his body hit the ground.


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