Level 2.2

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Standing near the body of the first victim , Pax roamed around the scene checking for any other wounds then moved to the rooftop. Seems like impact of fall caused hemorrhage leading to death. The boy noticed a pack of cigs and lighter on the wall , he thought to himself ' Maybe she had an habit of smoking '. He checked her school bag , it consisted of her report card and some text books , ' What was she doing at the rooftop ? I guess she smoked..? Then jumped off the roof. It looks so fishy ' he mumbled as he wondered how to approach the case , moving on to the next scene.

" Excuse me " said Theo as he walked inside, Felix internally laughed muttering ' why did he say that given the fact that they are only four boys in the whole place ' . The oldest pointed at the board saying " Girl's bathroom ". Chuckling at his action , the duo checked her body. They found blood behind her ears , Theo pointed at the wound saying ' That's the sign of her slipping here '. Felix added to the statement ' Maybe she lost consciousness cause of that...Wait what if someone caused her to fall and hung up the body to make it look like suicide '. Theo agreed as there's an high possibility of it happening. They noticed her school bag , it looked like any ordinary student's one like it had report cards , text books , note pads , pencil , pen and so on. What stood out the most was the collection of One Direction albums.

Grey slid the door to the science lab , the distinctive blend of sharp chemical odors, the mustiness of preserved specimens, and a lingering essence of burnt matches from past experiments hit his nose welcoming him in a grand manner. He took time observing the body , she was laying down on the table that had beer bottles and sleeping pills scattered. ' Did she mix the pills with alcohol , that's a dangerous combination '. Upon looking at the book next to her , it reminded him of something. Grey believed a perfect crime is impossible, he made sure to search the science lab throughly.

After looking at all the crime scenes , the boys gathered on the dining table to discuss what they they have found. Pax started ' The estimated time of death was 10 pm , it makes no sense for a student to be even inside the school premises at that time let alone the rooftop. Everyone would have noticed the cigs on the wall , let's say she sneaked in to smoke cause she would be caught if done in her house. But , the classes would have end by 7 pm including the night classes. She had her school bag with her which means she didn't go home. Then , Did she stay there , smoked at some time and jumped off the roof or came back to the school just to smoke then jumped off the roof...? That doesn't add up , it's so fishy '.

There was another person who thought the same, Theo raised his hands drawing attention to him saying ' Yeah , it is. The body of the second was found hung up making it look like a suicide , but there was a sign of hemorrhage behind her ears , meaning she fell down and hit her head. Could she hang herself after losing consciousness being hit on the head ? That's not possible. Someone caused that fall and made the scene look like it's suicide '.

Grey nodded and added ' I found something suspicious in the scene of the third victim ( science lab ) . I opened the racks , as expected of the science lab it had a lot chemicals like Hydrocholoric acid , Ethanol , Sodium hydroxide , Formalin so on. Thinking that the culprit could have used any of these , I checked the set of gauze. Peeling them one by one , the last one was used. The mouth of the victim had signs of throwing up. Maybe the culprit knocked her down with something and fed her the mixture of alcohol and sleeping pills...? '.

Everyone exclaimed as it was logically convincing and obviously possible. Felix raised his hands saying ' Well, with the information we have , I can conclude that it wasn't suicide but a murder. So, Are we trying to solve a serial murder case..? '. All the four let out a sigh realising that it won't be easy to crack the case. Pax placed something on the table saying ' While going through the first victim's bag , I found a yellow note in her Math textbook '.

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