Level 5.1

3 0 0

Felix stepped outside trying so hard to put on poker face hiding his disappointment , Theo caught his mumbling and analyzed his body language to know what happened to the first match. The system announced " Player V , it's your turn ". He nodded and stepped into the room , the doors slammed close behind him. The boy frowned at the smell of Tuberose , his sensitive nose flinched at the strong sweet smell , he shook his head to pull himself together to escape from the lightheadedness in the confined space. He took a deep breathe and concentrated on the game. The virtual dealer showed two cards , he dealt one on Grey's side and another on the system's side. The boy mumbled ' I don't know how many rounds Felix played and whether he won or not. Cards with number from 1 - 10 then the general probability will be 5- r / 10 - r . With Felix's skills , he would have shaken up the play. So , let's consider the probability after 3 (r ) rounds which will be 2/7 approximating it will give the probability percentage of me getting a low number card to be 28.57% . Then , the first cards play a vital role '.

They put cards above their head , Grey stared at the number 5. He contemplated his fingers fiddling with the chips ' 5..That's right in the middle. Shia...then my card could either be on the lower side or the higher side '. The boy swiftly made a bet while raising his opinion. ' As it's the first card , let's go easy on the bet ' , as he placed one chip on the tray. The system said " Alright ! " while betting two chips. Grey mumbled ' Should I bet one more or fold ... ? Let's bet one more ' while placing another chip on the tray. The system laughed at his action ' Unlike your appearance , little grey has some guts '. The boy maintained a poker face , comments like that ... , could never get to him. The dealer asked whether they will continue to bet or not. Grey raised his hands announcing that he will fold. The cards were revealed , 4 : 5. Grey sighed in relief as he didn't risk making anymore bets and focused on the next card being dealt. He glanced at the card held by the system , it was a good one : number - 8 . The bet started with the system , 2 chips. Grey was confused at the contrary behavior , ' That's a very good one , cause the cards that win that is only two, still the bet was only two. Then , it means....my card has a higher number '. The boy brimmed with confidence placing the three chips as the bet . The dealer asked whether the system will continue to bet. The system folded , the cards were revealed. Grey froze in his tracks to see the dealer transferring his three chips to the system. The cards being 3 vs 8 , he had lost.

Grey emerged from the room, his expression carefully blank as he tried to conceal both his defeat in the game and the distress it brought him. However, Theo, skilled in reading body language, quickly discerned Grey's true feelings. Despite Grey's attempts to disguise his emotions, Theo noticed the subtle cues – a fleeting glimpse of disappointment in his eyes, a subtle shift in his posture – that revealed the truth. Without a word spoken, Theo understood Grey's silent admission of defeat, offering a reassuring nod of understanding in return.

The system announced the next player , Theo stepped inside switching to Loki mode preparing all the cunning schemes and trickery. He sat down and glanced at the video playing on the screen , the boy smirked saying ' Ahh , so you used this hypnotic technique ( the video ) that will hinder with the person's judgement and cognitive abilities for a short period of time. Now , I know the reason why the kids lost. Shut the screen , foolish tricks like this won't work on me. I'm wired different '. The system was aware of it that Theo , the man who could read signs was tougher to fool than they expected. The virtual dealer shuffled the cards and placed one on both side. Theo glanced the number on the system's card : 10 , it was time for payback. He calculated the probability and narrowed down his card to be either 1 or 2. The system hesitantly placed the bet of three chips , the oldest pulled up his sleeves and wiped the sweat drops on his forehead making it look like he's nervous. He pretended to contemplate a lot then acted like he was confidently placing four chips realising that he has number 2 by the hesitation of the system cause there's no number lower than 1. The boy's inducing made the system fall into his trap. The dealer asked the system whether will continue to bet. The system raised the white flag indicating that it folds. Theo screamed in joy , the cards were revealed to be 2 : 10 . The dealer announced ' Player system has folded despite the card 10 being dealt. Thus , the penalty is given '. The system started to go through all it's algorithm to know how it got fooled by a mere human. Theo won.

As Theo stepped outside, a victorious grin threatened to break through his composed facade. Despite his elation at outsmarting his opponent and securing the win, he maintained a stoic poker face, mindful of the unspoken rule against revealing emotions. However, his eyes sparkled with barely contained excitement as he discreetly glanced at Pax, silently conveying something. Pax had been observing all the players , but something was different with the oldest. He eyed his stance , coincidentally noticed his bulged pant pockets , a chip slightly peeked out. Pax quickly judged that the first two matches were lost , Theo won , now he has to win to clear the mission. He stood still waiting for his turn as the system announced the last player.

Pax stepped inside the room as the doors slammed close behind him. Seated comfortably in his chair, Pax closed his eyes and sank into a state of meditation, tuning out the video playing on the screen in front of him. It was a habit he had cultivated over time – whenever he focused his mind, the world around him seemed to fade away, the ambient noise blending into silence. His friends affectionately referred to him as a natural noise-canceling gadget, amused by his ability to block out distractions with ease. The boy effortlessly broke the system's attempt of messing with his cognitive abilities. He opened his cards once he noticed the card in front of him , placing his above the head , he glanced at the system's card : number 6. The God of patterns began to calculate the probability , he mumbled ' Alright , I see it. The boys lost the first two match and Theo won the match. So , the cards left on our deck must be 1, 5, 6 , 7 , 8 , 9. The probability of getting a lower number card after 4 rounds would be 1 or 100% , now all I'm left with is to predict whether it's 1 or 5 '. The boy put on a natural shocked expression as he glanced at the system's card , inducing the opponent to believe that their card is a higher number. The system bit the bait as the bet was 4 chips . The boy mulled over the bet mumbling ' Ahh , The system must have atleast 7 chips but placing a safe bet...Why ? '. Pax understood the hidden fact that his card was number 5 , he raised his hands announcing that he fold without making bets. The boy might have lost but his behaviour let the system to conclude that Pax's expression reveals the card number. The boy managed to trick the system following Theo's suggestion.

The dealer placed the next card in front of them , Pax internally smiled knowing that the system's deck is only left with the numbers 1, 2 , 3 , 4, 9. Both the players placed the card above their heads , the system glanced at the Pax's card : number 6 , it looked at Pax's expression. The boy sadly looked at the chips and the number on the system's card. The betting started : Pax hesitantly placed one chip and the system matched it. Pax sighed mumbling ' Damn...with that high of a number I would went all-in ' , the system smirked and Pax covered his mouth pretending that he made a tongue slip and acted fidgetly. The dealer asked for the betting to be continued or not , the poor system went all-in and the cards were revealed to be 6 vs 4. Pax won. The game ended and the system lost twice.

With a burst of exhilaration, Pax dashed outside, his heart brimming with joy as he enveloped the other three boys in a tight embrace. Amidst their shared excitement, Theo's voice rang out, a mix of anticipation and hope as he eagerly questioned, "Did you win?" Pax's nod was met with an explosion of jubilation from the other two boys, their screams of joy echoing through the air as they reveled in the triumph of clearing the mission together. In that moment, a wave of elation swept over them, binding them together in a bond forged through shared victory. The LED mirror lit up with words " Reward for clearing the mission will be granted later ".


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