Level 6.1

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Theo rumbled out the sentence ' Our solar system , the first planet..? , the boys collectively answered ' Mercury '. Theo added ' hg , 80 , liquid form at room temperature '.  Felix happily raised one of his cards that had a picture of grey slime looking thingy yelling ' Title : Mercury : F-1 '. They quickly switched places , the youngest signalled the boys that it's the toughest one. He explained ' Laundry , clothes tag ' . Pax hesitantly said ' Those bizarre signs in the tags ..? '. Felix nodded saying ' Yeah , I want the names'. The boys sighed complaining how to match the signs that most people in this world ignores. The quick thinker Felix found a loophole in the game rules , With animated gestures, he pretends to hold a large, imaginary object in his hands, mimicking the motion of scrubbing vigorously. Next, he pretends to pour water over the invisible bin and makes splashing sounds. The boys kept the record , the first one was Wash bin. Next , With a mischievous grin, he begins by mimicking the action of loading imaginary clothes into a machine, carefully closing an invisible door. Then, with exaggerated movements, he imitates the sound of a spinning drum and uses his hands to mimic warm air blowing. They record the second one to be dryer. Felix took a moment to breathe , then he pretends to hold a heavy object in one hand, while using his other hand to mimic the smoothing motion of an object. He carefully moves his hand back and forth over an imaginary surface, pressing down with imaginary force. The boys record the third one to be a motion which is ironing the clothes. For the last one ,  he pretends to pour a liquid from an imaginary container onto an invisible surface, his face scrunched up in concentration. Next, he vigorously rubs an imaginary cloth in circular motions, mimicking the action of scrubbing. they were confused as they don't know that much about laundry as they always depend on laundrymats or just use the washing machine in their dorms. Pax tried to guess it , as all the keywords were related to one thing - Laundry, he pulled out one of his cards and prayed that he gets this right , he yelled ' Title : Cotton wash at 30 degree celsius , Do not bleach ,  tumble dry at low heat , Iron at low , P-3 '. Pax jumped in joy when Felix signalled him to discard the card. They switched places and he flipped a random card , with determined eyes he started to explain ' Complex structure , 3D of a triangle '. Felix quickly answered ' Pyramids..? ' , Pax nodded and continued ' Yeah , but these are in Mexico. It's a pair of two , used for rituals , the first one is a blazing blob that has only hydrogen and helium then the second one is its buddy who reflects light towards us at night '. That was a very good comprehensive passage that gave out the answer easily. Grey had found half the answer but he was confused but thanks to Pax's super ability to belt down words he figured out the rest of the answer.

He pulled one of out of his two remaining cards , yelled '  Title : Pyramid of Sun , Pyramid of  Moon , G-3 '. They quickly switched places , a random card was flipped. Grey sighed as he couldn't find a way to explain the picture he was looking at , he started hesitantly ' The white blobs floating in our sky ' , Theo questioned him ' You mean the clouds..?' , Grey nodded and continued ' Now , imagine a prism placed in between them , when the sunlight passes through it , it will refract and creates something '. Pax seemed to have get an idea of what the boy was referring at , he asked ' Perhaps , you mean the rainbow clouds ...? '. Grey nodded enthusiastically as they almost got it. Felix sighed saying ' It's has an official name , it's not rainbow clouds..' , Grey opted Felix's method of acting out the word.  With lively gestures, he pretends to wrap an imaginary fabric around his neck, adjusting it with careful movements. Using his hands to mimic the soft texture of the thing, he portrays the act of bundling up against the cold.

Pax gasped as the answer crossed his mind , he pulled the card above his head yelling ' Title : The scarf cloud , P-2 ' and let out a joyful roar as he discarded the card and went up to the table. A new card was flipped , he was relieved to something he was familiar with. The boy blurted out the Hex code ' #D462FF '. The team concluded that it was a color with their past experience with him , now they just need to figure out which one. He gave a clue ' VIBGYOR , cut down everything except the first one '. Theo pondered ' Voilet..?' . Pax looked like he was in dilemma , ' Yeah but well listen to this , Greek word of Sun , Flowers of a plant '. Felix had been zoning out , Pax hissed at him to focus. He whooped yelling  ' Title : Heliotrope , F-4 ' , throwing the last card he had and sent up to the table.

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