Level 6

4 0 0

As the four boys, Theo, Pax, Grey, and Felix, stirred awake from their deep slumber, they were met with the harsh reality of their tardiness. It was unusual for them to oversleep, accustomed as they were to rising promptly by 8 am. Yet, for reasons unknown, they found themselves awakening at the ungodly hour of 9:45 am, with a mere 15 minutes left before their morning mission. Panic set in as they huddled in the dimly lit living room, mistaking the lack of light for a blackout, only to realize that they had simply forgotten to switch the lights off before retiring for the night. With Theo leading the charge, they hastily flicked on the lights and sprang into action, racing against the relentless ticking of the clock, which seemed to mock their sluggishness with each passing second. In a flurry of activity, clothes were thrown on, shoes were laced up, and they each grabbed their individual notepads, essential for their morning mission. The urgency of the situation fueled their movements, propelling them forward with a sense of determination. the clock ticked at 9.55 am , each second started to feel like it's passing by at the speed of light.

They decided to skip breakfast not to run late but Felix couldn't give up on his habit of " Starting the day with full stomach " , he dashed to the cooler and downed the coconut water down his throat and stuffed some banana bread making him choke and cough it out making a mess , obviously he was scolded by the oldest who transfers to the asian mother at times. Theo patted his back , while slowly feeding him water. Felix signalled the team that he was alright perfectly matching with the time to the doors unlocking leading the way to the garage , the main area.

The boys slowly gathered around the screen , each warming up in their own ways. The mechanical voice tried something new , it called out a name. " Theo ! If I wave at you , What can we call that ? ". The boys were dumbfounded at the system's attempt of interacting with them not like it's yesterday that it announced that they will be killed if they don't solve the mystery. No one answered it . " Aow!! So many genius but nobody could answer my riddle. Poor guys , it's micro wave !!  ", the mechanical voice emitted a stilted "ha.ha.ha," its robotic laughter grating on the nerves of those nearby, leaving them irritated and longing for silence. It continued " I was trying to lighten the atmosphere , Never mind " , the LED Mirror lit up displaying " Fifth Mission - Image game " , the system began to explain the mission.

' Four players from ROR will be making up Team 1 , Four virtual players will be making up Team 2. Each players will be given 4 different picture cards , thus 4x4=16 cards. Now , you will see the table that raised from the floor. Each player takes turns going up to the table , 16 cards copies ( same as the team members ) will be placed in a flipped manner. The player picks up one and flips around to see the picture , they have to explain it with keywords or description. Direct words relating to the picture is not allowed. If team member that has the card gets it right , they can discard the card. Like that , 16 cards to be discarded. Two teams will play separately. ( The player on the table will have the title of the picture of the answer and the player down has to say the number and title of the card to discard them. If the other team members gets the answer , the player with card can take the hint and say the number on the card to get it discarded. The cards on the table will have both the titles and the numbers of cards belonging to the players ) '

The team collectively glanced at the right corner of the screen thinking out loud ' There's a timer , meaning the team with lowest time that discards all 16 cards will win. We will be running against the time '. They were instructed to collect four boxes each with the players name engraved in it. The boys opened their individual and checked out their cards.

Theo had four black and gold intricated pattern on the front side of the card as he flipped them back to reveal the images. He nodded in approval cause the boy thought ' It might be as easy as shooting fish in a barrel '.

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