Level 7

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The clock struck 9:15 am, rousing Theo, Felix, Grey, and Pax from their slumber simultaneously. Despite their usual habit of rising at different times, their constant companionship seemed to synchronize their internal clocks. Some stretched while others gazed absently at the walls, all realizing in unison the urgency of beating Theo to the shower to avoid long waits and potential tardiness for their missions. Amid laughter and playful tumbles, they raced to the door, their sleepiness banished by the thrill of the chase. Pax, the quickest to prepare, whipped up French toast while Felix, last in line for the shower, assisted in setting the table, ensuring a separate plate with raspberry jam for Pax due to his peanut allergy. Theo, after washing up and gathering their notepads, settled at the table. Felix sat on his bed , the doors to the shower room creak opened , Grey came out with wet torso , just towel around his waist. He signaled the availability of the shower to Felix. The physics major wished the gravity to be denser enough to pull things down , he pulled himself together by thinking of sheep herd dancing to baby shark in heaven just to avoid looking at the water dripping from the boy's hair to his chest. Felix grabbed his robe and quickly ran into the shower room wondering why he keeps seeing half naked boys that makes his heart a mess. Grey smirked at the scene , after drying his hair he joined the table. After few minutes , Felix joined them completing the quartet's breakfast arrangement.


The bell rang indicating the doors to the garage have been unlocked , the boys rushed to gather around the LED Mirror. All the four warmed up in their own ways. The LED mirror lit up displaying " Sixth Mission : Mindscape Challenge ". The mechanical voice explained the rules , " Four players of ROR , will play this virtual reality game set in a futuristic world where players navigate through various mind-bending puzzles and challenges. You have to pass through the puzzle chambers and escape ".

Pax mumbled ' I was itching to play games ' , Grey couldn't help but agree to his thoughts cause he felt the same too. The team gathered around screaming random chants to cheer each other cause if they failed they would miss a suspect.

Felix, Theo, Grey, and Pax stood at the entrance of the virtual reality chamber, anticipation coursing through their veins. They had heard whispers of the legendary "Mindscape Challenge" – a game said to test the limits of one's mind, body, and spirit. With determined expressions, they donned their VR headsets and entered the digital realm.

As they stepped into the way to puzzle chamber, the world around them transformed into a labyrinth of interconnected rooms, each presenting its own set of challenges. The air crackled with anticipation as they surveyed their surroundings, ready to face whatever lay ahead.

"Alright, team," Felix said, his voice steady with determination. "Let's stick together and tackle these puzzles one at a time."

In the first puzzle chamber, they encountered a series of cryptic riddles inscribed on the walls. The riddle read:

"In darkness, I dwell, yet light I crave, A flicker of hope, a path to pave. A key unseen, a truth untold, Unlock the mystery, let it unfold."

Theo furrowed his brow as he studied the inscription, his mind racing to decipher its meaning. Grey paced back and forth, his eyes scanning the room for hidden clues. Pax leaned against the wall, lost in thought, while Felix stood at the center of the room, pondering their next move.

After moments of contemplation, Theo's eyes lit up with realization. "It's a metaphor," he exclaimed. "The 'darkness' represents the unknown, while the 'light' symbolizes knowledge or enlightenment. We need to uncover the hidden truth to progress."

With Theo's insight as a guide, the team searched the room for clues, eventually discovering a concealed switch that illuminated a hidden passage behind the wall. With a sense of excitement and anticipation, they stepped through the doorway, eager to pass stage 1. As they stepped into the new chamber of the "Mindscape Challenge," Theo took the lead, his keen intellect already assessing the situation. The holographic projections flickered to life, casting an eerie glow across the room, and Theo's analytical gaze swept over the intricate patterns adorning the walls.

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