Level 2

10 1 0

[ Midnight ]

Felix turned around causing the bunk bed to shake a bit every time he does so. As a light sleeper , Grey woke up to the little disturbance. He kicked the lower bed asking ' Yo Mickey mouse , Can't sleep haa ? '. Felix frowned while peeking up mumbling ' Says the Ugly duckling '. Grey chuckled at his come back , he switched his voice to soft tone saying ' I guess you're the type who can't sleep at any new place '. The mouse nodded saying ' Not really , It's just so much thoughts going on in my mind '. Grey related to that , ' Then , let me distract you. We're playing the 21 questions. My turn , If animals could talk, which species would be the rudest of them all? '. Felix let out a muffled laugh answering the question ' Of course the Cats!! , the epitome of sassiness '. Grey agreed saying ' I'm pretty sure sometimes I can see some cats glaring at me I can picture them saying " Pipe down and sit your noisy ass down , you senseless hooman" '. Felix couldn't help but agree as he thought of his grey cat , he claimed his turn asking ' If you were a kind of jeans, what type would you be? '. Grey excitedly hummed ' New hair , New tee. New Jeans, do you see ~ ' , as he proceeded with his question ' If life were a video game, what options would you wish for ? '. Felix pondered for a few seconds saying ' If it was a video game , emphasis of the video , I would like the pause button. You know there are some days when you wish all this would stops for a second so that I can catch my breathe , the pause option would really be useful '. Grey nodded ' I agree , the skip option sounds like a good one too' , Felix giggled as he stared the floor saying ' Yeah , we can skip to the scene from the last night. So , that we won't be here '. Grey sighed ' Fair enough , I expect nothing good to happen here '. Felix glanced at the upper bed thinking to himself ' The only good thing to happen here is that I met you '. As a person with an habit of hiding his sentiments , Felix distracted the situation by claiming his turn ' What would be the worst "buy one get one free" of all time? '. Grey immediately answered ' Me and my best friend '. Caught off guard by the unexpectedly humorous reply, Felix covered his mouth tight to block the laughter that burst forth. Grey looked proud after getting a glimpse of Felix's reaction to his witty answer while preparing for his turn ' Let me go with a basic one , Tell me any one of your embarrasing moments '.

Felix's  lips curved into a lopsided smile ' Not the most but one of them , I see. Let me think , You go first '. Grey nodded at his demand unfolding his story ' I used to visit my mom's hometown during the summer vacation when I was young , the village would be so quiet even in daylight. I loved taking walks , I always stop by the small mart run by an old couple. They would always feed me , and we lay on the wooden block under the shade listening to the radio. It was peaceful despite the noise of the radio. When I grew up , I joined the broadcasting club. Finally , I got to host the lunch break show once every two weeks during my final year in the high school. It was an ordinary day , clear clouds , students bustling in the hallway. I was preparing for the show in the broadcast club , someone tapped my shoulders. When I turned around , the chair had hit her leg as the person stumbled on the controls but fortunately I caught her and she regained the balance. She seemed to hesitate to say something , I encouraged her to say it as I will be alright. She hit me with a confession , I wasn't expecting it as I thought she wanted a copy of my chemistry notes. I glanced at the reflection in front of me , noticing the flickering red light realising that this conversation had been broadcasted all around the school. I smiled at her and accepted the confession , we made time to meet. It was mostly library dates and study sessions in the cafe , like that two months passed. It was her birthday , I gave her handmade chocolates with the letter that read " I really like spending time with you , I wasn't sure when you confessed to me but I have come to like you " , her classmates rushed inside yelling ' Happy April fools day '. I was confused , I knew it was April 1 but what were they doing here. She laughed at me wickedly while showing a video taken two months back , the content was like " One of her classmates had challenged her to get a confession out of me : the level-headed stone , she agreed to the bet " . They expected me to be angry and upset , but it was just embarrasing for me nothing more '.

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