Level 2.1

6 1 0

Someone broke the silence, Grey explained ' A total of six players , we four + 2 virtual players. I played as " F " , deducing based on what we have , the players were A - B - C - D - E - F . Stand according to the F4 ranking order. When I point at you , tell me what you played as '. He started with Theo gesturing him to say, he answered " C ". Next , Pax answered " E " , Felix answered " D ". The boys slouched down to the floor assuming that they let the virtual player ' B ' won. Someone was secretly enjoying the drama , looking at his brothers in distress he stepped out saying ' So sorry to fool you , I played as ' A ' , the one with 6 wins '. Everyone boiled in anger , Felix earned some beatings full of love. The Mechanical voice said " Took you enough Felix " as the screen lit up with the words ' Mission Cleared '. The Four Musketeers indulged in a tight group hug , all catching their breathe with relief washing through their body.

The screen transitioned to " The First reward Case File is unlocked. It will be delivered to you later ". The group grumbled ' Almost forgot , We were supposed to solve the case right..' , the doors to the officetel opened. The boys went straight to the bedroom lain on their beds , Theo was curious about something ' Felix ! How did you win ? '. The youngest explained ' The 1 cards are useless , decided on using them to Tie the game so it will be discarded. I was left with 2 cards and 3 cards. I calculated the probability to win the game with them , which came out to 30%. Gradually realised that they key is to form alliance '. Pax peeked down asking ' oh yeah , How did you decide on ' E ' . The game is designed in a way we won't know who we are playing with '. Felix growled ' Damn , that was a struggle. I had to think carefully cause the stratedgy would make the opposite player win if I ended up choosing a virtual player. As far as I observed , the system is wired to use our F4 ranking order. When the rooms were exposed , I noticed some signs on the door knob of the rooms. So, I made sure to memorized who went inside which one. the signs were 4 - 5 - 1- 6 - 2 - 3 , Our ranking has only four positions so the 5 and 6 were virtual players. Last night after the dinner , P'Pax and I were talking about Probabilities of various traditional games , the card game was one of them. I was reminded of that as I placed the request to him'. Pax nodded ' Yeah , I was thinking how to use the 1 cards when the player a submitted the requested. I lost with the 2 card , and realised what he was doing there. So , I placed a request , when I lost again I was sure of my theory. I became an alliance to the player A so that he will win for 6 times '. The duo held out their fists bumping on each other as Pax said ' Good Game Felly '.

The clock ticked to 12.30 , time for their stomach to punch the body for some food. The boys walked in a line like the ants towards the kitchen , Grey pulled onto Theo saying ' I suggest mixing the teams. I'm afraid the oldest and youngest duo would burn this house before the system kills us '. The rest nodded as they couldn't help but agree to what he said. Pax moved to the kitchen announcing that he would make the Gaeng Keow Wan ( Thai Green Curry ) dragging Felix with him. Theo nudged his partner saying ' Nong , I don't think the boys look that hungry to devour four or five dishes. Let's just make rice to go with the curry '. Grey nodded and they plugged in the electric rice cooker.

Felix automatically took the role of assistant and Pax as the chef , he started by chopping the bell peppers, bamboo shoots, baby corn, eggplant and zucchini that was mistaken as raw papaya by Theo yesterday. Pax kept an eye on him as he was using a sharpened knife , he gave him another work but the youngest was stubborn on showcasing his cutting skills , as always Pax let him do it as he couldn't say no to him. The chef washed the chicken , cutting the meat into bite sized pieces while gathering up all the spices and seasonings in need. After he was done with that , he placed a wok on the stove adding some oil. Felix passed him the pre-made green paste jar , Pax added an appropirtate amount frying it until aromatic to release its flavors. Without the need for searching what's need to be added next , the curry preparation went by smoothly as Felix stood beside Pax passing him the ingredients at the right time. The coconut milk was poured on the wok , stirring until the curry paste is well mixed with the milk. while they waited for the oil starts to separate from the milk , Pax struck a conversation ' I heard the campus of AD University is so beautiful '. Felix nodded saying ' Yeah , half of the campus is nature and we live in it. We have a lot of hotspots , especially during April the Cherry blossom road to the library becomes a popular date course for the campus couple'. Pax showed an inquistive grin ' I presume that you went two months ago...? ( current month in the story : July ) '. Felix chuckled at his question ' If you meant the library , then YES . To be honest , I'm not that of a social or fun person to be with. I guess that makes people not interested towards me..'

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