Level 8

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As the night drew on, the boys retired to bed early, hoping to replenish their energy for the challenges ahead. But , their minds were working full on power to solve the case that caused them to toss and turn in their sleep. Felix stared at the ceiling thinking who might be the host of this sick game they're playing and what could be their motive. He slowly connected the dots , the clues in the house for all the missions they have indulged in , how the system was designed with a lot of loopholes and something crossed his mind ' What if....the system is not programmed to kill us and this is just an attempt to keep us in fear to solve the case '. He glanced at the bracelet resting on his left hand but he didn't dare to test his theory. His mind went back to thinking ' Is this broadcasted somewhere live...? Is someone placing bets on us .. ? or Are we just baits for something..? '. No matter how much he tried , the youngest couldn't solve the mystery on why they had to solve this mock case and why this had to become a death game. After a few minutes , his tired mind took him on a journey to the dream land. All the four seemed to have found something hidden for a purpose. But , their focus was on the last mission the next day , that will become the final day for them to do everything in their might to survive.


The four boys stirred awake in random order, starting with the oldest, Theo. Their bodies were stiff and achy, evidence of a restless night's sleep. After groggily getting ready for the day, they gathered around the dining table where Theo had set out bowls of cereal and jugs of milk. Each boy personalized his breakfast with toppings: Felix sliced bananas for added nutrition, Pax scattered a handful of berries for a burst of flavor, Theo drizzled honey to satisfy his sweet tooth, and Grey opted for slices of apple to accompany his oatmeal. As they ate, the room filled with the sound of spoons clinking against bowls and the occasional murmur of conversation. Pax helped Felix clean the table while Grey and Theo collected their note pads.

After finishing their meal, the four boys gathered around the table to discuss their strategy for narrowing down the suspect. Theo, the natural leader, urged them to remain cautious and vigilant. "We need to stay focused if we want to clear the upcoming mission," he reminded them, his tone serious yet determined. Felix nodded in agreement, his expression determined. "Let's watch each other's backs and make sure we're all safe," he suggested, his voice filled with conviction. Grey chimed in with a cheerful grin. "We've got this, guys! Together, we can handle anything," he exclaimed, his optimism infectious. And Pax, ever the pragmatic thinker, nodded in silent agreement, his mind already racing with possibilities. Just at the moment , the bell rang indicating it's time for the final mission.

They gathered around the LED Mirror , something felt strange cause they were nervous as they will lose the winning streak and it has to be continued leading them to escape this garage. The mechanical voice announced " Welcome to the final stage of ROR " as the screen transitioned to display " Last mission - The chambers of Boggarts ". The boys were confused cause that's all they got , the system always instructed them with the description of the mission and the rules to be followed. Theo questioned ' Boggarts...? Does anyone know them ? '. Grey suggested ' Remember the first slide that was shown to us , " Welcome to the Room of Requirements ". That's definitely reference from the film Harry Potter. I think the system will go with classic way of ending it where it started. But , I don't remember What's a boggart is , yet it doesn't sound optimistic so be careful guys '. The boys nodded and warmed up in their own ways.

( Hint for the readers : There's a magical creature called a Boggart that takes the form of the viewer's worst fear )

Four mirror doors emerged from the walls each with the initials T, P, G and F. The boys took a deep breathe and stepped into their respective rooms.

/ To Readers : Listen to Day one Dark - Hans Zimmer while reading Felix's chamber /

As Felix stepped into the chamber, his heart raced with nervousness, his breaths shallow and rapid. Darkness enveloped him, pressing in from all sides like a suffocating blanket, and he felt a shiver run down his spine. With trembling hands, Felix reached for the VR set resting on a nearby pedestal. He hesitated for a moment, the weight of his fear threatening to overwhelm him, but then he steeled himself and slipped the device over his eyes.

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