Level 4.3

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- Disclaimer : The chapter contains crime against kids , brute . It's a traumatic event. Please skip the part with ** if you want -

Pax abruptly got up and turned the pages of the journal searching for something, he yelled ' here !! '. The boys gathered around him except for felix who was going through the suspect's bag, Pax pointed the entry that read ' I went to the amusement park with the trio as they said something needs to be discussed. How could I get fooled by that .... The worst day of my life...I wish they could disappear...'

The hacker showed them the amusement park ticket he had found earlier dating back to one month before the first victim was killed. Theo analysed the situation comparing it with the evidence he concluded ' I think he was threatened in the amusement park. Based on the personality of those three victims, I'm pretty sure they got humiliated when they found their ex-boyfriend was gay. So, they ended up threatening him with that in the purpose of revenge '.

Felix placed a card on the desk creating a dull thud , it was the report card of the suspect. He explained ' Billy was the original first place , he got threatened and gave up that to those three. He was a man of ambition, being the school president requires you to be the highest rank holder. As billy gave up the place to the victims, it must have angered him to see something he dreamed vanished in one night. It might have driven him to a corner '. Theo added ' His father wouldn't have allowed a transfer , that means he had to suffer the same fate for one more year, Who knows he might end up giving up his dream university too. Any human would be pissed off in this situation. So , he made his wish come true by making them really vanish from the world. He's the culprit...? '.

The wooden doors started to lock automatically indicating their time is up in the suspect's room and the boys went back to their place . Grey and Pax went through the information they found earlier. Felix raised a question ' Is any one hungry ? ' , Simultaneously, they shook their heads from side to side in a gentle but definite motion, reinforcing their refusal. They gathered around the dining table , some snacks aligned up for them to munch on while they discuss things. The youngest eyed the Tao Kae Noi seaweed snack resting on the another side of the table. He stretched his hand reaching nowhere near the product. Someone noticed his actions and slid the snack in front of him to the other side. Felix silently thanked him and went back to analyzing the piece of information. The team being lost in contemplation until a voice disrupted their thoughts. Pax threw a question that he was curious about , ' Who do you think will be the culprit ? ' , that stirred a bunch of sighs. Theo hestitantly brought forward the thought ' The case has five suspicious people . I suspect that all the five of them will be made to look like the culprit and we would have a hard time choosing the right one '. While listening to their parade of questions and answers , Grey had been repeatedly twisting the Cartier white gold ring on his index finger , habit that occurs when he's worried about something accompanying unease.

Pax sounded serious while he asked ' So , you're saying that there is a possibility that there's no culprit and someone is having fun fooling us '. Felix disagreed as he said ' As a child who liked physics , I was bound to be strong in numbers . Do you know Why I love mathematics ? '. Grey snickered ' Cause it keeps on reminding the X (ex) you couldn't find ? '. The table burst out into a fit of laughter , nobody expected the sassy reply. The boy threw shade at the single youngest while being funny. Felix laughed it off , looked at Pax and continued ' It's logical . If you give your time by working hard to solve it , it will give the time back by rewarding you with the perfect answer '. Theo nodded , ' He's right. There is an answer hidden somewhere in the clues. I'm so damn sure that we will find it when the suspect list ends. The system underestimated us , Human brain and it's abilities are far more complicated and mysterious. We got the best one's in the community . So , we got nothing to worry about '.

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